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"Randy I'm so glad you made it..to be honest, I've been scared out of my mind lately." I said. I leaned my weight onto the door frame. Randy smiled and brought himself in, he carried almost ten pounds of horror movies in plastic white pharmacy bags.

"Yeah. I got extremely worried when you ran off like that." Randy replied. "You can't just do that (Y/N)." he stated. I nodded slightly. I wasn't so sure if I was seeing things back there, but it felt and looked real, even when I sprinted out of the door. I haven't received any phone calls since the last encounter at Tatum's house.

"Alrighty! Back to the tapes." Randy said, making me snap out of my thoughts. I gave a simple smile. "I brought..A Nightmare On Elm Street, Halloween, Friday The 13th, The Exorcist, and more that I just stuffed into the bag." he explained.

"Can we watch Friday The 13th. Pleaseee." I asked.

"Totally! Whatever you want." Randy chuckled.

He took the VHS tape out of the bag with the lable 'FRIDAY THE 13TH' imprinted onto the solid black color. Randy handed it to me as I traced the sideline of the tape. He nudged me with his shoulder which binding with mine. I walked over to the TV and grabbed the remote, switching it on. I then plopped the tape in the DVR. It rolled in slowly before disappearing from my sight. I jumped onto the couch and laid my legs on a pillow.

"Popcorn is in the cabinet. Make sure you know how to make it. I don't want my kitchen to flop down like some fun house or something!" I yelled and pulled my head up. He raised a thumbs up in the air for me to see. I hugged a pillow and thought back to two weeks ago. Fuck that damn phone. No, fuck me for actually answering it over and over again. I groaned with my face planted into the pillow. The sound was muffled, so it sounded awfully like I was crying, which I felt like doing.

"Randy! Is the popcorn done yet!? I hear it popping like craazzzyy." I asked and rolled around on the couch.

"Give me a second..just need to remove the plate off the stove." Randy replied.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay." I mumbled. The theme began to play as the beginning started off with ear damaging screams and shrieks. Randy rushed over with the bowl of popcorn in his hands, he placed it on the wide coffee table in front of us and sat down beside me once I sat up.

"Better not get scared (Y/N)." Randy teased and tickled my stomach. I giggled and leaned against him. He smelt funny, like a car engine maybe, but it didn't really matter. I felt safe with him. Randy glanced at the popcorn before taking a handful and stuffing it into his mouth. We watched the movie in complete silence, other than the lack of heavy breathing of course.

"(Y/N), wake up." someone whispered as I fluttered my eyes open. Randy was attempting to shake me awake, which worked. I stared at him and gave a small smile. I licked my lips to wet them.

"Did I fall asleep?" I questioned in a groggy voice.

"Well yeah, otherwise I wouldn't be waking you up. It's only two o'clock." Randy said and pointed to the small clock beside us.

"Damn, three hours went by already?" I grumbled. Randy nodded and bit his lip. I got up and smoothed my shirt down.

"Welp. I should get going." Randy settled and grabbed his tapes. He took the last one out of the DVR companion and shoved it into his bag. I nodded and walked over to the door, unlocking the lock and swinging the door open. Randy trudged over to me and gave one last smile before stepping out the frame.

"Drive safe Randy." I bit my lip once I said that. He nodded in assurance and walked down the small steps that were placed in front of my house. I shut the door and walked over to the coffee table, picking the popcorn bowl up and placing it onto the counter. It was pretty late so obviously I was worn out. I yawned loudly in response to the pin drop of silence.

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