Chapter 7

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Stiles has been seeing ghosts since the age of 5 years old

At first his parents thought he had an imaginary friend like any normal child would have but that quickly wiped out when he started to tell them things only they would know

Stiles's mother Claudia was first to suspect something was up a year later when he said disturbing things to her, she knew it had to be something supernatural

She had researched everything even asking for help from her family but they led her a stray and far away from actually being helped

She ended up getting cursed by a few witches who despise sparks and she got frontotemporal dementia a disease that was slowly going to kill her

So she had no choice but to tell her husband about the supernatural and what she was

He was shocked but he was happy to help but not only was his wife sick but his son was seeing dead people who could hurt him

So in the course of the few years things went with struggle


"Do you know them?" asked Lydia

Stiles nodded

"We met when we're thirteen, way before we joined The Alpha Pack" said Ethan

"Yeah Stiles tricked us both he told us he was also a twin and used his illusion to great a female version of himself" scoffed Aiden

Stiles in return smirked

"These two were crazy over me even though I was only there for a month they would get me anything I wanted" he said in the voice of the woman he laughed in her voice

"Gold digger" whispered Aiden

Stiles stopped laughing and looked down at him he raised one of his thin arms

And suddenly Aiden started laughing loudly

"Ah the old tickling spell" said Ethan

But then he started to laugh too

The pack was weirded out

"Well after school meet me at Derek's loft we have much to discuss" said Stiles

It was still very weird to hear him talk like a girl and look the part

He was gorgeous like that as a woman super hot

The entire school was already talking about "her"

The bell rang and the twins stopped laughing and Stiles was gone

"As always he doesn't like to be late" said the nicer twin

"But she was late for English class today" said Scott completely dumbfounded

Aiden raised a eyebrow and looked at his brother

It seemed the two knew of something but before the only one who noticed - Lydia - they had walked away

The school day went on with tense in the air

The Alpha twins being quiet

The pack being utterly conflicted with what was going on with this new person

By the time they got at Derek's place after school they were met with something that was definitely embarrassing

Embarrassing for Peter who was being used as chair while Stiles sat on his back as he layed flat on the floor

Lydia couldn't help but ask Derek what was going on

He looked at them and back at Peter you could see him trying to keep in a laugh

"Peter forgot that Stiles could see ghosts and continued to be a creep then my mom told Stiles and now he is used as a chair" he said quickly walking away

"Laugh it up Derek you're next" said stiles giving a cold look at him

"Okay I can't take it anymore!" explained Jackson out loud

"Why are so mad at him? Aren't you two friends or something?" he asked further

"Because he is the closest one to the Darch and you all know her and I'm pissed" he yelled

The words 'it wasn't me' was whispered quickly and quietly so that no one could hear it but he is in a room full of werewolves

"We know her?" asked Isaac

"Yes and I won't say otherwise you will interfere with my plan-" stiles was cut off by Derek

"Jennifer Blake?"

Stiles froze and outside the clouds were turning dark he stood up and Peter was free

The pack took an involuntary step back as they watched his eyes start to glow Cyan

It looked scary but his eyes looked to the left and suddenly all stopped

He stumbled a bit, he was still in a girl form and he sweated his long hair out of his face

"Fuck I hate those eyes" he looks up

"Yes it's her but I plan on taking her on but that changed when she shook my hand today

/he takes a breath/

She has harvest alot of power that is still going in her. She didn't sense me I think but I did her but that might change because my mom made sure she wouldn't but then undid it

My mom can rewind time once a week for only 4 hours no more but less

To think that today she used that power to save me and she cannot anymore so I have to play it really Really save "

Stiles finished

He looked down
" Im going to go the the-" he passed out and Derek catches him

" Im going to take him home" he said standing

"Wait wait! What just happened?" yelled Lydia

"Im not so sure but while I'm gone you guys start thinking of a plan with Darch since we know who it is." Derek said while walking out

The pack was let's say confused but knowing they can stop the Darch was an upside

Though they could not believe that the Darch was their English teacher

What a twist

Chap 7

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