Chapter 12

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Stiles remembers using his cyan eyes for the first time

He remembers the complete fear he felt and how it drove him mad

He didn't like that feeling so he asked his mother for help

Thats why she finally found someone who would help them

A man who knew a little too much about the undead sparks especially

He now wished he did not meet him


Deaton stares with wide eyes at the boy in front of him

He was speechless

"Ehm, I do have a way but it's dangerous it opens the mind and it leaves you with a darkness you can never get rid of" he said after a while

Stiles, Scott and Alison looked determined and he sighed

"We are going to need ice, lots of ice" he added


The trio found themselves in a white storage that went on and on as far as you could see

Alison finds the nemeton the day she and her mother arrived in Beacon Hills when they almost hit someone with their car

Scott found it the night he decided to go and find a dead body after hearing it on his step dad's call, he had ran past it before he got bit

And Stiles? He... He found it in a memory from years ago

He was five years old when he followed his mother there and she made him do something, something that explains why he was told its his fault


The three come out gasping for breath

"How long were we under" asked Scott climbing out of the the tub

"16 hours" Answered Deaton

"16!? Shit we have to move quickly" said Stiles

They rush and things could get any worse

" Look dad were here" said Alison helping him Scott was with her untying his mother

Stiles comes and unties his dad

"Dad it's my fault" Stiles mumbled

"What is?" his dad asked but his shook his head

They get out of the nemeton cellar and escape but their met with Darch

She looked exactly as how she should

Thunder rumbled in the distance and she stood there high and mighty

"Did you really think that you could leave that easily?" See barked out a laugh and they could feel a strong intense wind come

But it stops and the Darch suddenly steps back

"Your the one Claudia was talking about" she yelled angrily at him

That catches everyone on guard

"My mom...?" he asked taking a step forward

His dad tries to pull him back but he yanks his arm back from him

"What does my mother have anything to do with this?" he asked now standing directly in front of her

Jennifer smiles and thinks back

"Why are you helping me sell out your own son?" asked Jennifer confused

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