Chapter 13

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Scott deals with the fear of him being an Alpha

He sees his own shadow twist into the Alpha he had feared most


This was his darkness that stuck with him. When Deaton said it would stay he did not think it would be this way

It pried at him that he could turn into such a monster

He wasn't the only one of the three of them to be effected

Alison was too

She had kept seeing her dead aunt Kate

It ate away at her that she was there when she got killed and she couldn't stop her but not that she now would have

Learning about what she did was terrifying enough

She would have asked Stiles about her but he was the worst of all of them

That night he was rushed to the hospital

The doctors said there was nothing physically wrong with but he still wouldn't wake up

A week has passed and everyone had been worried especially his dad

His mother however hadn't been seen since that night. No one could find her, it was definitely strange

The pack hadn't known him for long but he helped them and they could see his kind Hart

With that Alison and Scott had fallen apart, she and Isaac looked like might become something

But the pack  had in the past week met someone new


She was nice and clearly had a thing for Scott and Alison seemed fine with it as she had started to spend more time with her dad

Stiles looks around, taking in a breath and

"You know what being a ghost for the first day was fun but for a Whole Week! It sucks" grumbled Stiles

He was currently at the school eyeing the new person Kira

No one could see or hear him so he sat on the table right next to them complaining endlessly

Some of the other ghosts have found him incredibly annoying

Some had been reluctant to speak to ever since he was here

It didn't make sense

He's body was still alive, still breathing, his heart never stopped beating but his soul was not In his body

Stiles thought maybe he overwhelmed his body so much that day it actually kicked him out

Stiles crosses his arms and glares at the pack

"Lucky bastards" he grumbled staying unmoved

His head turns and he is face to face with Justin, Leo's twin

"Oh you" Stiles said staring into lifeless eyes of the boy

Justin, the one who always spoke in a messed up way was suddenly understandable

Justin had quickly leaned in and whispers in his ear

Stiles's eyes widen and he stands up just in that moment Scott gets a call

"Guys Stiles woke up" he said and the entire pack rushed out excitedly

Stiles did too practically phasing through everything

He arrived at the hospital before they could and he stared dumbfounded at himself

His body was sitting up eating some crappy hospital food but when he arrived he looked up at Stiles with a smirk

"Who the fuck are you? And why are you in my body?" he yelled getting closer

"You're quite aggressive aren't you? I mean you are the one who left his body up for grabs" said his body

"I asked who the hell you are!" he yelled repeating himself

This thing possessing his body laughed

"Well I'm the Nogitsune and I am going to create chaos" it smiled wickedly

"You're a soul out of its body but your mind is still in here and lucky me you opened a door that invited me so warmly" it chuckled darkly

Stiles was about to yell again when he felt a hand on his shoulder

He looks and sees Talia, she nods at him and he follows her

The nogitsune raises an eyebrow as Stiles leaves

They walk past the pack in silence, Stiles scoffs when he heard 'his' own voice greet everyone all too kindly

Talia keeps walking, not even looking as she passed her son but Stiles he walked through him

Derek shivers as he walks to Stiles room in the hospital

He enters and the moment he looks into Stiles's eyes he gets bad feeling but brushes it off


"Talia where have you been? I have been looking for you this entire hell week" asked Stiles after a while of the just walking

She turns around and shushes him quickly

He does that and continues to follow her

He decided to actually look around to where their going

They were walking to the border of Beacon Hills where no one lived, he quietly follows her as they phase through the door of a random house

The house was just as creepy and torn down as it was on the inside

They go into the basement

'Why here of all places' thought Stiles with a shiver of fear

Stiles sees the basement is filled with books from top to bottom

There was a huge desk on the middle with a few books laying on it

The place was practically drowning in dust and spiders

"Stiles try picking up that book overt there" said Talia's voice scaring him

"G, warn a guy next time" he mumbled and without thinking he picks up the book

"What now?" he asked

He sees her smiling and he realizes he picked up a book which shouldn't be possible as he is a ghost

"I knew it, the other ghosts and I have been figuring things out for you and that just confirmed our suspicion" she said looking at him

He tilts his head
"But this entire week I couldn't pick up anything, I did try too and- and just What?" he said completely confused


/Two Days Later/

Scott had finally decided to show Kira what he is and lucky him she excepted him

Everything was great until a guy who wanted to kill Kira suddenly died by getting fried by said victim

What could possibly go wrong now?

Chapter 18- I mean 13 ':)
Sorry for the long wait

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