Chapter 15

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Stiles stares with dull eyes at the scene that unfolds in front of him

Its that Day, the day everything went wrong

He couldn't move, he was stuck reliving this memory

The memory he tried to forget, to wash off of him

He doesn't know how long he has been here but he remembers exactly how he got here

He was training with Justin and Talia, they had found a way for him to go back into his body but they needed help

And since he was strong enough to pick a book despite being a ghost, they thought he could warn his friends, his Derek maybe?

But he can't always do it something would block him, more like someone actually

"Christopher, stop please! I need to help them" Yelled Stiles as he slipped away for a moment

And in that moment he saw the nogitsune had caused hell a lot of problems and was putting people in danger but before he could run he was forcefully pulled back

Now he sat again trapped by this monster, this Demon

He realizes that he needs to face it and get over it

He can't allow this asshole to trap him in his own guilt


Everyone fights

You hear the clanking of the swords, the growls of the werewolves, Alison's arrows piercing through the cloaked figures

They hold their own and almost make it but as if they were it was played in slow motion

Things went south


Stiles screams, he knows Lydia is screaming too

He hears her through it all

Her screams help him to momentarily attach himself back to his own body

He was now free of the chains the other demon had on him


The cloaked figures disappeared

The nogitsune struggles, he howls in great pain but he escapes


Stiles breathes heavily as the 1000 year old Demon overpowered him

Sending him flying back and landing close to where Scott and Isaac were crying their eyes out as Alison took her last breath

Stiles cries too and he is angry he wants that THING dead.

"Scott" says an echoed voice

He instantly recognized it he looks behind him too see Alison standing next to Scott

She looks puzzled for a moment until she saw her own body laying lifeless there

She saw her eyes, they were truly dead

It scared her more than anything

She began to cry and he went over and hugged her

Since the strong demon had vanished closely followed by the two other demons who wanted to stay but couldn't

The normal ghosts seemdd to rise

Erica, Talia, Leo all arrive

Erica immediately goes and hugs Alison

It takes an hour for her to get a grip and stand up

"Stiles?" she asked after she had hugged Erica

It was weird being able to touch her and just seeing her like this is crazy

But she knows the worst part and that's the fact that she is also dead

He moves to her and hugs her

"Im sorry, I wish  I was stronger I could have-you wouldn't have died" he said after hugging her

Alison looks at him and she realizes something, his eyes are glowing cyan

But before she could speak up she sees her dad and she is back to a sobbing mess


Who would have thought that the sixteen year old Stiles would struggle to hold a pencil?

He was giving it tons of concentration but he manages

Everyone is around him, dead and alive

Stiles finshes the last word and slums down and lets his mind wonder about happened

"Why am I here?" asked Alison

"Because you didn't want to let go" answered Erica

"Yes many people have like this unfinished business so they can never truly cross over" said Lydia's grandmother

"But what if their bad people who died?" she asked

Leo answers this time
"Bad people who die gets consumed with the evil they had when they lived, some turn into demons who hunt for flesh, some are stuck in a loop of their death without knowing it and two of what we know feeds off of anger they get more stronger then"

She nods
'So I won't see Kate' she thought

Stiles shifts as he stares at the paper in front of him

"I have a plan, but I am going to need a body to execute it" he said

They turn their heads to him as he opens his mouth -


Derek, Isaac, Scott, Chris, Ethan, Aiden and Kira stare at the moving pencil

They were at the McCall's place discussing

They had an option to kill the thing by turning it but that would mean Stiles would die

His body won't be able to handle it and a fight nearly broke out but when a pencil started to move on its own they just had to look

The pencil stops after a few moments and falls down rolling onto the ground

They all move closer reading it, Aiden takes a breath and reads it out loud

"I need to possess 1 of u 2 explain plan
From Stiles"

It was short but they understood

They looked at one another and-

"I'll do it"
"I'll do it"
"I'll do it"

Said Derek, Ethan and Aiden at the same time

Aiden sighs

"We don't have time, Stiles just use me" he said not thinking it through as he stumbles back

He hears Stiles's voice telling him to relax, or it wouldn't work

So he forces him self to take a deep breath in and too relax


Stiles tries but Aiden is tense, so he leans up to his ear and whispers

Its seems to reach him as he takes a deep breath in

He relaxes more so Stiles tries again

This time he tries and-

Chapter 21? Oh wait ist probably Like 13 or smt
Is it a cliffhanger? No... Yes. Yes it is!

Anyway thank you all for reading this I hop e you are all enjoying it and I'm. Sorry for the looooonnnnnnggggg wait

This story has been doomed with the faith of slow updates

I hope you all understand I am just human and I don't alway have time to write more

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