Chapter 14

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"You're saying thats not Stiles?" exclaimed Peter

"It can't be him and I think that my mother is trying to tell me that" said Derek

"Is that why you're entire bookshelf is on the floor?" asked Boyd

"Yeah i got pissed and said my mother was lying and next thing I know it's flying towards me" he said with a shrug

They stay quiet

"How come you're mother is so strong she couldn't do that before" asked Lydia

"Yeah are you sure you were talking to your mother?" added Alison

Just then a book slides over to Alison

"Yes Thank God we have them! They actually think" said Stiles

He thinks of a way to let them know that Alison is correct

He looks at the books and shoves one at her feet

She picks it up and they all look at one another

"Is what Alison said true then?" asked Isaac

Stiles looks at the books, he needed to make a clear answer

He moves the books

The pack move out of the way as the books on floor move shaping a 'Yes'

"If that's true who are we talking to then?" asked Scott stepping back

Stiles bounces his leg
"What els can I do? How do I say it's me?" he says out loud

He settles on rearranging the books to form a 'S' and then a 'T', next an 'I' but he stops

The room felt colder and one things he learned from becoming a ghost is that you can't feel temperatures

So when he felt colder he worries, it's then he realizes no other people are around him

Talia, Leo, Justin

Nowhere to be found

Afraid, Stiles stands up to leave he sees a woman

A familiar one, he knows her and she wants to hurt him he knows it

He backs up as she gets closer, he backs up and trips right into Peter

Peter shuffles back and everyone's eyes are on him

"Whats wrong with you?" asked Lydia rudely

Peter opens his eyes, it shown cyan

"Im not Peter, it's Stiles and I don't have long possessing him. Kira's mom know about whats in my body" said Peter and instantly his eyes turn back to normal

"What the fuck just happened?" he asked dazed

No one answers him


Stiles pants, he was out of breath

For some reason he is drained of all the ghostly energy he had

"Try again" said Leo

Stiles glares at him

"I told you already I don't know how I did I just walked back and next thing I know I'm Peter" he said releasing a huge breath

"We know you did so learn to do it on command" said Talia angrily

Stiles knew she was pissed, he would be too

He closes his eyes and tries to turn them cyan

Once he feels that electrical field he stood up and walked towards one of the people sitting on the bench

He reached for him then-

Chapter 12? Wait no it's 14
Sorry for the long wait and for the short chapter and for the fact that I didn't have it proofread

Forgive me

The next one should (I hope) be longer

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