Chapter 10

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Stiles was eight when his mother fell ill she had gotten the disease of frontotemporal dementia

It was awful for the young boy but one day he  had talked to his mother about all the things he knew and saw or dead people he met, he did this every single day even though he knew she wouldn't respond but surprisingly she did that day

That day he had his mother back but his family wasn't happy again

His parents was fighting and before he knew it he had to leave with her


"I see, that actually explains alot" says Stiles quietly as he takes a sip if water

He leans his head to fall in Derek's shoulder

It was Friday and only the two were at the temporary home of Claudia and Stiles

Its been 2 weeks since the whole "Bringing the dead to life with Cyan Eyes" thing happened

From there they have been playing it safe and helping Stiles out as he goes under cover as the Darch's apprentice

It was hard especially when she had killed another person but Stiles had assured them that he needed one more thing then he can get rid of her

Meanwhile the Alpha pack wanted to cause more problems but were stuck with a constant struggle of heavy rain making things a little harder

That was possible because of Stiles's ability to control the weather

But this evening was clearer than ever. The sun shown brightly as it went down

The red light pierced through the loft's big windows, coloring everything in a light red gaze

Each and every undead thing was held away from Stiles for a full 4 hours

He had picked up this trick from the Darch
Compelling things away but spiritually but the downside was it made him extremely tired

"You know everyone has been dropping me hints yet I didn't get it... But you did" he said tearing up

"I... This is... I need to forget this before I loose control and I just can't because tomorrow I have to end the Darch and go after the Alpha pack" he said sitting up

He started breathing heavily

"Hey hey Stiles! Breath!" said Derek but it didn't help

Stiles was going straight into a panic attack and Derek ahd to stop him and one thing came to mind

/four years ago/

"Yeah when I have a panic attack I have to hold my breath to stop it but that only works if someone else helps me" said Stiles sadly

"So you get panic Attacks often then?" asked Derek

He watches as Stiles nods

/ / / / / / /

Derek thinks back and does the first thing that comes to mind

He kisses Stiles...

Stiles calms down

But their lips don't separate and Stiles decided to kiss back

Derek surprised but didn't pull back he just continued


I'm giving you some time to leave I really don't want to get in trouble for some young kid who got caught reading this and had lied and said I didn't give a warning

They kiss more and Stiles sits up grabbing Derek's shirt

But Derek stops his hand and breaks the kiss

"We can't Stiles you're underaged. And your dad is the Sheriff he would kill me" Derek panted looking down

"Derek look at me" said Stiles

"Alot has happened to me and I have always been afraid but right now I'm a hundred percent sure about wanting to do this with you" he added once Derek looked at him

Derek stared at his eyes

Moments ago they held sadness, anger, frustration and fear but now they were determined

Stiles lifts his hand rubs Derek's stuble and says

"Hey I'm sure but if you don't want to its fine" He smiled

And there Derek kissed him hard pushing him to fall on his back to the bed

They make out while Derek palms Stiles through his pants, feeling his hardened dick

He smiles as he breaks the kiss to Stiles's neck

Stiles moans tugging at Derek's shirt and he pulls it over his head

Derek helps Stiles out of his shirt and he travels his hands down Stiles sides and stop at his pants

He tugs them and goes to unzip Stiles jeans

/Time skip /

"You know that was amazing" said Stiles turning around

Derek smiles as he stands up
"It was but you know the four hours are almost up so you get dressed" he said throwing Stiles clothes at him

Stiles grumbles but does it anyway

He stands up and dresses fully he then walks over to Derek and hug him

"Does this mean I have fulfilled my promise?" he asked in a sing a song voice

Derek laughs
"I'll tell you on a certain birthday date" he answered

Stiles pouts
"Really" he laughs

They laugh together knowing that right now they don't have to think about anything or anyone and they could just focus on each other

They knew what tomorrow held for them, time had now seemed to move faster than expected

/Stiles's Dream That Night /

The twelve year old Stilies sat on the sand as the sea water washed over his legs

The water would come up to his bottom then when it pulled back a faint trail of blood would follow

His shirt was covered in blood but it wasn't his own

His pants however was covered in his own blood

He was at that Beach for the entire day until it was night and until the sun rose again

He wouldn't move, wouldn't blink

He stared blankly at the ocean

/                  /

Stiles wakes up slowly

He rubs his eyes
"Knowing what I know now explains why she didn't look for me that day"

Chp 10
I chickened out on writing full on smut... Man I suck but anyway hope you enjoyed it
I think this is going to be short story because I don't see it going far without wasting time by stretching out and making it boring but I will hold and try my best for you all

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