Chapter 4

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Chap 4

" It sure does feel like yesterday when all that happened huh Derek? " said Stiles

"Okay, okay I will believe him if he tells me something only Talia and I would know" said Peter interrupting the look Stiles and Derek gave each other

"Look Peter don't -" began Derek but was cut off by Stiles coming close to Peter and whispering in his ear

"Mr Snugs"

Peter stopped fighting with Derek and stood back

"I believe you" he said looking wide eyed at them

"Great! Now let's get onto the matter
/His head snapped to the right /
He's What!?" he asked out loud

They watched him shake his head

The room was filled with killer intent that was directed towards Derek from Stiles

"Look why don't I start off with locating the Alpha pack first" the boy said through clenched teeth

Everybody knew he was angry but they didn't know why

They looked at Derek and he just lifted his shoulders, signaling he doesn't know either

"Shouldn't we start with the Darch because she could be killing more people? " asked Lydia

"I already know who the Darch is but don't worry she won't be getting a chance to kill anyone again" said Stiles smiling

"How do you already know?" asked Scott

"Well I have friends on the dead side and their my eyes and ears so don't -"

He stops

"I found the Alpha's" he finshed

"Wait how that was way to quick!" asked Jackson

"I have friends and -" he was interrupted by his phone ringing

He picks it and a woman's voice yells angrily on the line

"Where are you? Your father really wanted to see his son!"

"shit" he whispered

"Sorry mum I was helping out and what he has not sen me in 8 years I think he can wait longer"
He said rolling his eyes

"You will come here this instant otherwise I will-" he cuts her off

"I'm on my way mother dearest" he said hanging up

He let's out a breath

"You Scott your coming with me"

"What why should I?" asked Scott

"Well it just so happens that my dad is your step dad so yeah we gotta go" said Stiles walking away

He went up to Derek and gave him a punch in the stomach

It looked like if hurt like hell

"I'll explain later for what that's for" Stiles said with a smirk on his face

With that he left the room leaving everyone stunned

Chapter 4
This ain't edited too but I wanted you to read the next
This is so confusing and I'm tired maybe tomorrow when I read this I will be able to better it

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