Chapter 9

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Friendly reminder
Stiles as a girl changed his name to Maze
So if I say anything to Maze and use "she" pronouns keep in mind I'm talking about Stiles as a girl


Maze walks quickly down the empty halls of the school

She was unfortunately very late and without looking she bumps into someone

And out of "pure instinct" she "accidentally" uses her power to catch her books

She had quickly looked up at the person she bumped into

"Sorry miss Blake" she apologized quickly walking away with a smirk on her face


"Im so sorry everyone especially you Alison I just didn't know and I really I'm just so sorry" said Stiles quickly as he healed up Alison

Apparently one ghost realized Alison and Scott could see her and tried to possess Alison

It didn't work out so well so it ended up leaving her with a huge gash on her right arm

But lucky them Stiles could heal really well and thats what he did

In the end there was no scar and she was glad but she wasn't the only to be healed

Cora and Boyd got injured by that poltergeist taht not even their werewolf powers could heal them correctly

So Stiles did
"I am so sorry" he apologized once again

Derek was about to tell him it was fine they watched as Stiles shivered

"Are you cold?" asked Isaac

"No I just got the feeling something was watching
/he stops and looks down to his right/
Me?" he said after looking up confusingly

He grabs the book that layed on his bed

They watch as he draws something quickly with a pen

When he finshed he blinks and looks up
He turns the page for them to see
" What does this mean? " he asked

They looked at it and then at one another

Stiles could tell they knew something but clearly didn't want to tell him

He looks back at the page to him it looks like two human blobs, one obviously was a woman be of the long hair

But what bothered him was the words at the bottom
"It's your fault"

He has heard those words everywhere, everytime, everyday 'but what does it mean?' He wonders


Maaze walks the halls of the hospital she goes into the elevator and a blind guys asks her for help

She does

There was a moment of silence
"You don't smell like a woman" the man said after a while

"Smell? Ah man did I forget to add woman's perfume again!" she whispered

The man laughs
"Are you a man?"

"Yes but people are way nicer to me if I'm a girl" she said looking away

The elevator dings and the metal doors opens

On the other side stood Scott
"Ah Scott just the guy I was looking for" said Maze

She had a wicked smile on her face


Maze sat uncomfortably in English class

'Even though this is the plan, she really doesn't have to try and burn holes in my head by staring so much' thought Stiles clearly annoyed

The bell goes but before he could make a run for it the teacher yells for him to stay behind

He waits at his desk as everyone leaves

"You girl you did magic" she said plainly

Stiles stands up quickly and starts to denying it obvious he is lying

"Don't even. I saw it besides
/Jennifer walks forward and all teh chairs and tables moves away from her /
I can do too" she finshed

Maze stands staring at her teacher

"Now show me what you can do" said Jennifer

'Does this bitch think she can steal my power?' thought Stiles

"Oh ella is soo thinking about killing you" said a ghost with the name of Angela

(Spanish "ella" in English is she. That is Googled.)

Angela a Mexican a girl
She was a spark that specializes with the mind
She was finally able to read people's minds when she got killed by her own father who was convinced she had killed her mother when in reality she had taken her own life

"And I'm telling the truth amigo, she is nooo good" she added in a sassy voice

Stiles eyebrow twitches as Angela continues her rant and takes a breath

"Oh sorry but I was told to not use my power Miss" said Maze grabbing her bag and walking to the door

"I can teach you how to get more power though" said Jennifer smirking

Maze turns around with a small smirk

'I got you'
'I got you'

'How could anyone be this gullible?'
'How could anyone be this gullible?'

"They just thought the same exact thing" said Angela leaving the room

"Justin has to know Justin has to know-" she stops her rambling as she was grabbed by the throat

A man with a smirk plastered on his face chokes her until she phases through his hands

She doesn't waste time to go away

It didn't scare her to know a evil ghost could touch her but the fact that she couldn't read his thoughts


"This isn't right son, you have to tell him" said Talia

"Mom he is helping us if we tell him now he might go out of control" said Derek

He and his mother ahd this conversation the day Stiles's eyes went crazy

He told her something she believed was good enough to be true but he needed to make sure

He was at his Loft alone and he was surrounded by papers and and books

Something hadn't been right when he saw that picture of Stiles and his mother afew months ago so he decided to do some research

What he found was disturbing

But the true question was

"Is it all true?" he said out loud

Chp 9
Sorry it's shorts and confusing and fast pace and I'm sorry if you don't like that but I wrote it that way to show how Stiles's eyes fucked around

I mean Derek is on to something
Stiles had made sure to meet both the Darch and Deucalion

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