Chapter 18

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Stiles laughs bitterly through clenched teeth

Derek stared at him raising an eyebrow

The score was 2-1

The first one to push the other out of the ring, would win a free lunch

Not that Derek minds paying but he sure is loving with the match up

Stiles's change was mainly effected by his spark

But by some rules he couldn't be a spark and a werewolf so the bite had simply been forced to adapt with his power of death and it linked up perfectly

He was rather the same except for the new modifications of being suddenly more fast, his eyesight along with his hearing

So here they were, testing out his new found abilities of his

Even if they weren't completely sure about what he could be, beast wise, they still wanted to be sure about what he can and can't do

Stiles looks up at him and frowns angrily

Derek had thrown the fist round then won the next now he is just playing

'Well too can play that game' he thought

He knows that maybe it isn't a good idea to test out one of his theories but he really wants free lunch

Without his mom to give him that weekly allowance he was doomed

The entire pack watches the two

Stiles brings up his hands to Derek's chest and closes his eyes

When they open one is cyan and one is violet

He smiles at him and slightly lifts his hands away then pushing it back at him

Next thing they knew Derek had been flung across the woods

Stiles looks up

"Oops" he said quietly but he still cheered

Derek came back after a while

"So what exactly did you do differently?" asked Lydia

Stiles looked at her

"Well before I could lend a spirit's strength so I did that with the new power and boom! he flew" he laughed out

He smirked in his head
'One theory down a hundred more to go' he thought

Derek groaned and walked past them to his car

Ethan and Jackson were laughing while looking at Derek

Aidan and Isaac, the pair the pack never saw coming, were already heading to the car while Lydia followed after them

Stiles stood and watched a little

It has been a long few weeks since Alison died and at first he couldn't do anything

The first few days he couldn't see, sommon or hear the dead

It stressed him out because what he could do his entire life long has suddenly disappeared

Whit that gone he got something different he could do, which was suddenly see way more better

It was like a clear camera vision that made him see things from afar much more clearer or the things closer to him would be seen in pure detail

This ability had overpowered every werewolf in history's eyesight

That was first thing that happened, second was his hearing then finally his reflexes went insane

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