CHAPTER - 1[ I'm The Devil]

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' Pls.... please don't kill me .... I accidentally summoned you pls '..after hearing this Jimin Smirked and he said "why are you scared of me ....i was going to full fill your wish but you know what you didn't make any wish ....but don't worry i will not kill you (smile) " ......

After hearing that the boy became happy and said , " really (smile) "

Jimin said , " yeah because I'm going to suck your soul from your body (smirk) be ready " ....after that jimin started to suck his soul from his body with a play ful smirk on his face ........after sucking his soul he burn his soul.after that Jimin said , " now you can see what is the result of without reason calling me "

"Huhhh finally i can go to my king Dom.......wait someone is calling me .. Arghhhh ...fuck "

(At the Y/n's bedroom)
Y/n's pov

Here I'm trying to play the nightmare game ...yeah nightmare game and I'm gonna call our Sweetest Devil from the devil world ......i Know it will also fake because after end of the day this will be fake ....if you are thinking that how can i sure then listen I'm that type of girl who love to play every horror and super natural game but you know what .........almost 90% games are fake ........

Aishh any ways let's get it ........ok where is the rules

(Author's note - This rules are made by my imagination so don't try it ...ok)

So i have to lighted the candle then i have to say devil king 3 times in dark room let's get it

(After the ritual)

What the ..... nothing happens with me ....that means he didn't came to me ...Arghhhh ......fuck it ........let's go to the sleep

(AT 2:30pm)

Author's pov

Y/n was sleeping peacefull......but suddenly she woke up by the sudden crashing sound .....

Y/n - what the heck just happened...... something broke, i think .....ohh i will see that at the morning ( ready to sleep but ) wait what if some thief enter my house ...oh my namjesus ......where is my broom oh here it is .....let's go ...........

She started to find the reason of that sounds with the broom in her hand and said

Y/n - hey thief come out from the hidden place .......hey are you deaf.....aishhh come out or i (stunned)....

When she turned around he saw a black shadow was standing in the dark corner...and staring at her deeply

Y/n- hey w...who ......the .....hell......are .....why there ...come out or else I this br....brooom toward you.....and why are ....y...your eyes are glowing

Suddenly the shadow started to come toward you and stand infront of you....and after seeing him your eyes got wide

Y/n - OmG who are you....omg omg are so handsome ...wait how can you enter my room ....wait are you thief....i don't know that the thiefs are so handsome ...wait is that wings ....why are you stole things with that wings ....wait can i (seal your mouth for sometime)

Jimin - you talked to much have to do that first of all I'm not a theif okk (blankly) you summoned me

Y/n - usjjsjnshsjajnsbhsjsjk

Jimin - Aishhh wait ...but don't talk to much i don't like that

Y/n - wait ...i summoned you means ...i didn't understand ...who the hell are you(confuse)

Jimin - I'm The king of The Hell...or you can say devil king (smirk)...

Y/n - what hahahahaha nice joke ....pls don't say like that hahahaha

Jimin - you don't believe me ok now see this

(After that he started flowing everything of your room in the air....and after seeing this you became jungshook)

Y/n - what the heck you do this ...that means

Jimin - yess I'm the devil king you believe me right (you nodded your head) ......good now listen you summoned me ...and now you have to make 3 wishes what is your first wish

Y/n - First wish but i don't have any wish ..... actually i summoned you as a playfully ...old don't mind

Jimin - what(after hearing that is eyes became dark and he pinned you to tha wall harshly and started to choke you)

Y/n - Hey leave me....pls (crying).....

Jimin - When you know that we devil's are not free then how can you summoned me with out wishes (angryly) ......and you dare to do that huh you have to give me your soul(smirk)

(When jimin was harshly choked you your everything of your room started to float and break......)

Y/n - Pls leave me okk..okk. fine i make a wish...but f...fir.....first leave me

(After that he leaved your neck )

Jimin - now make 3 wishes i have to go

Y/n - (scarely) o..okk first wish is give me some BTS merch.....and 2nd is pls fixed everything of my house

Jimin - ok (he full filled your both wish) 3rd wish ......

Y/n - Can i ...m...a...make that ...wish ...later ...(he glared at you) no i promise that i will wish that quickly .....

Jimin - ok so you promised me accepted you....(started to go to your bed)

Y/n - ok thanks ...wait why are Going to my bed.... don't tell me you are planning to live here with me .....

Jimin - yea right are intelligent (lying on your bed).

Y/n - but i promised you nah ...then why are you staying here

Jimin - As per rule i can't go back to my Kingdom with out fullfill every wish full filled your half wish so i have to live here ......and if you can't make your wish then i will take your soul ......

Y/n - why (glaring at you) no ..... nothing you can live here peacefully (in mind- why he have to live here ..... asshole)...

Jimin - i can here your thoughts too


To Be Continued

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