Chapter - 4 [What did you do to me ]

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After the College

At home

Author's pov

You just came from the school being fulli tired....jimin is also sit beside you......after the canteen incident you didn't talk to jimin.....he sometimes tried to talk with but you are sitting on the couch with closed eyes suddenly Jimin spoke

Jimin - hey....ummm let's eat something.....

Y/n - I'm not hungry you go and take wait let bring that...(left)

Jimin - why is she Looks sad am i did something wrong.......just wait for her

Y/n - (few minutes later ) Here take this...this is my favourite Ramen try it....I'm going to rest when you done eating just called me (smile )....bye

You turned to left but jimin caught your wrist turned back and saw that he is looking at you worriedly

Y/n - What ??.

Jimin - umm are you ...i mean are feeling sad because of me...

Y/n - No no. Not at all .......'s normal for should eat ok so bye ...(left)

Jimin - No tell me

Y/n - Fine so answer me why did you do that type of magic in the know all the students are now scared......

Jimin - But if i didn't do that then the plate ........(cutted )

Y/n - i know that the plate would hurted me.......and my dress will be ruined by the food....but i can . Before you came i handle it by my own one helped me next time don't help me......

Jimin - I'm not assure you......(Coldly)

Y/n - What .....what you mean by that?(confuse)

Jimin - I will help you..... because responsibility for now......

Y/n - whatever you want (left from there)

Jimin - I will help you......what is happening with me...... whenever I saw her in trouble my heart tell me to help her .... Aishhhh let's forget it...

Next morning

Author's pov

You are sleeping peacefully on your bed and Jimin didn't came in your room after the small argument. After sometime your beauty sleep ruined by your phone ringing groaned and press the call accept button

End of Author's Pov

Y/n - HellloOU (sleepy Voice)

??? - Y/n you didn't wake up.....You lazy brat....wake up . Wait don't tell me that you forgot about the party .....

Y/n - (Your eyes got widen and you sit properly)...EOMmaa...ummm Hehe hi....(nervous)

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