Chapter - 8 [DEVIL'S KINGDOM]

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Jimin - So Y/n Are you ready?....

Y/n - Ye...yea....I'm (nervously good his hand )

Jimin - Are you perhaps Nervous?(looking at her)

Y/n - Umm yea.... I mean kinda ...hehe(awkward smile)

Jimin - It's ok ......hold my hands tightly everything will be fine ....(smile )

Y/n - Hmm (nodded and smile)...

Jimin - (Smile and hold your hand Tightly)

Author's Pov

After giving you a smile , jimin closed his eyes and started to spell a some words after that you noticed a purple light is glowing around you both . You closed your eyes and hold his hand tightly . few seconds later when jimin shake your hands lightly you open your eyes and saw ......

 few seconds later when jimin shake your hands lightly you open your eyes and saw

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After seeing that you get scared a bit and caught jimin's jacket ....and jimin noticed that....

End of Author's Pov

Jimin - I'm here love...ok don't be scared.....

Y/n - Hmm

Jimin - Now let's go ok....just hold my hands nothing will be happened..(smile towards you)

Y/n - ok(smile back )

Author's Pov

After giving you a smile...he started to walk towards the get with you . When you both Reached the get Jimin change his gaze into cold glare . After seeing Jimin the guard , who is standing at the get Bow him ......

End of Author's Pov

Jimin - open the get ....(Coldly)

Guard- king ..(he opens the door)

Jimin - Ok come with me Y/n ...(smile at you)

Y/n - Hmm(you both enter the mansion)

In the mansion

Jimin - So Y/n welcome to my mansion.....

Y/n - Umm tha..thanks (you noticed that all the guard's looking at you weirdly)

Jimin - Wait are you alright (he followed your gaze and saw that every guards are looking at you Weirdly).......Wait a

Guards Where are you looking at (Yelled in deep voice)...Do your job or else

Guards - Sorry king...(lowered their head)

Jimin - Hmm(lturn towards you) Y/n now let's go.....

Y/n - Hmm(smile and left from there)

Infront of Jimin's Brother room

Author's pov

Now you both are waiting infront of his Brothers room . You became nervous because For the first time you are going to meet jimin's elder brother and you don't know if he likes you or not.......few min later Jimin and you entered the room and saw.....

End of Author's Pov

??? - Long time no see brother...(came and hug jimin tightly)

Jimin - Hold bro you are hurting me (smiling)

??? - Opps sorry...hehe

Jimin - Thanks devil you didn't break my bones like other things.....(breathing)

??? - Hey it's not my fault's just i accidentally break everything.....(looks at you) he your girlfriend?

Jimin - Umm ye ....yea(blushing)

??? - Ohhhh my brother is blushing anyways.....((went towards you) Hi , my name is Kim nanjoon or you can say RM....

Y/n - ohh nice to meet you name is Y/n ....(smile at him)

Rm - Nice to meet you too, brother your choice is not bad....(smile at you)

Y/n - Umm can i ask you a question Rm ?

Rm - sure.....

Y/n - Why are you not angry ...? I mean i am human and he is(cutted your sentences)

Rm - It's because my mom is also a human ...or you can say we are half human and half devil but Jimin got most of Devils powers......

Y/n - oh ...

Rm - Now jimin go and take her in your room you both are must be tired......go get some rest or SOME PERSONAL TIME (teasing you both)

Jimin - Arghhhh know what just shut up and Y/n follow me(blushing and leave that place)

Y/n - Umm wait for me...(also followed him)

Rm - He will never grown up.....(laughing)

To be continued


hey guys sorry for this short chapter.... actually my health is not well also i am very stressed right now so forgive me 🥺

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