Epilogue - 14

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Author's Pov

Jimin - so this is how me and your EOMMA met and became husbans and wife.....and you came to our life

Jiya - Wow ......your love shori iz sho butifool

Jimin said to her daughter, who is 3 years old. After 8minths of your marriage you came to know that you are pregnant with a baby girl . Jimin also became the world's most richest CEO by his own hard work . When Jimin came to know about your pregnancy he became really happy and started to treat you like a queen . Then after 10 months you gave birth a Cute little Girl and name her Jiya . Now Jimin is telling her about your and his love story . After few seconds You came with a plate of snacks

End of Author's Pov

Y/n - Hey guys here is your snacks .......???

Jimin - Thanks Y/niii......

Jiya - Tank u Eomma.....

Y/n - mention not but Jiya do not eat a lot of snacks ...it's not good for your health.

Jiya - Okay(Small pout).......Eomma ....your and Appa's love stowi iz relly good......

Y/n - really.......

Jiya - Yessss.....and you know i luv yoo too just like my appa.....

Y/n - Awww i love you too...(you kissed her cheeks)

Jimin - And what about me(pout).....Where is my kiss.....?

Y/n - Huh..? Jimin ....are you serious?.....

Jimin - Why .......?

Y/n - Aishhh fine ......(you peck his lips).....

Jimin - Just peck .........?

Y/n - JIMINnn(you glare at him).....

Jimin - Ok ok (suddenly someone ring the calling bell).....Wait let me check......

Y/n - Wait You sit here I'm going ok. (You opened the Door)....OMG.......you... Please come.....

Jimin - Who......Oh RM......HOW ARE YOU BROTHER (Hug him).....

RM - I'm good and what about you ?......Umm you change a alot ....i mean at first you were really cold and now.......

Jimin - Yea .....you are right anyways......come and sit........

Rm - Yea .....(sat on the couch)....

JIYA - Rm uncle ........(ran to him)....

Rm - Heyyyy..Jiya how are you?(lifted her )

Jiya - Fine......hihi .....look Eomma Rm uncle Dimp is sho cute ...hihi

Y/n - ( Giggle ). .......

Rm - Okay jiya go and play for some time i need to talk with your EOMMA and appa....

Jiya - Okieee .....(ran to her room)

Rm - So actually i have a good news......

Jimin - What is it ?.....(Confuse)

Rm - So actually you know right if someone became human from devil and leave their kingdom then he can't go back there in their human form . But they can go there after their death.

Jimin - Yess......

Rm - So actually your curse was Already broken . I mean if you want them you can go to our Kingdom and also if you want then you become human .

Jimin /Y/n - WHAT?

Rm - Arghhh guys why are you Both yelling?

Jimin - I mean what ? My curse was already broken

Rm - Yess.... Actually you were cursed and that's why you became human . And that time your cursed broke and after that i came to know that you married Y/n .

Jimin - So that means?(His eyes get widen)

Rm - Yess you can can come back to our Kingdom and also become the Devil . And Y/n also come with you .

Jimin - W...wh...what ... really?....But....the people's of our kingdom....th..they......

Rm - They also knew about this and they accepted it already so ...when you both are plan to come there......

Jimin - Ummm....Rm thank you sooo much for this news....but actually at first we want to educate our child and also jiya is really small. First she grow up then we will.....what do you think Y/n

Y/n - Yea he is right . At first she need to grow up for this then.....

Rm - Hmm ok as your wish...... anyways so both of you have any plan about second child ....i mean you know

Y/n - Huh? (She look at Jimin , who is already looking at her and smirking)..yea.. i m..me...mean...

Jimin - Actually yess(your eyes got widen)....

Rm -ok ok i understand that by looking at Y/n.., anyways so bye i need to go

Jimin - Ok ....bye (He left )So ......Y/n ....what about second child...

Y/n - Umm...y...ye...yea...why not but ..look jiya is only .....

Jiya - Eomma...look...my friend has a baby bother....Eomma i also want a bother....

Y/n - Huh?

Jimin - (smirking at you).... Obviously my cutie....you will get a brother very soon ok....so don't worry.....right Y/n.....

Y/n - Y...yea...yea....

Jimin - But baby you need to go your aunty Rose house ok .....

Jiya - Ok.....

Jimin - Ok that my girl.....(after that jiya left from there).....now Mrs. Park who will going to save you....?

Y/n - Ok Y/n you are dead ......(after that you know what happened that night 🌚🌚.....i know that you all know so imagine it by yourself.......🌝🌝... because after all your author is really innocent so she is not going to write that)

The end💕

So guys this story is finally end

Ans again I'm sorry for any grammatical mistake 🥺

And yea you all are going to get a new story very soon which is filled with horror, romance and thrilling....

So wait for that....bye

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