Chapter - 11 [ The Solution ]

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Author's Pov

Next morning you woke up in your room . Yesterday's memory continuesly flashing in your head . Without you knowing your eyes became teary . You get up from the bed and went to the washroom . On the other hand Jimin started to feel restless . He stopped eating also he stopped sleeping . In the morning Jimin always spend his time in the library. he tried to find any kind of solution of his current situation . And at night he always cried .

End of Author's Pov

Y/n Pov

After bath i came out from bathroom and started to get ready for my college but trust me i don't want to go to college after yesterday incident . His teary red eyes, pale face are flashing repeatedly infront of my eyes......arghh i need to forget everything ,

Let's go to the college.....i hope my college help me to forget everything but i am sure....i will not going to forget everything......

End of Y/n's Pov


Jimin - Arghh i can't waste my time sitting here all alone.....i need to find any kind of solution very quickly.....

??? - Jimin...?

Jimin - Who oh!.....Rm..come .....

Rm - Jimin pls take care yourself (sit beside him and sigh) always spend your day in this library.......just look at yourself you looks so pale and weak....

Jimin - First i need to find any solution...(looking through some book)

RM - But jimin...(cutt off)

Jimin - (looking at him) No brother pls....i can't.....

Rm - Fine ......but remember one thing don't do anything harmful....we can't lose you.....(left)

Jimin - Hmm(nodded)..... aishh.....this book is also useless...what should I do(got up  and went to the book self)......Ummm which one , which one......(Suddenly something fell from the self)...Omo.....What is this ?  A book..?..Wait a minute why is this book sparkling in purple colour....(took the book)... I'm sure this book will be my solution........

Author's Pov

He took the book with him and started to read some pages . But unfortunately all the pages are blank . Jimin became irritate and ready to throw the book but suddenly one page caught his attention .

End of Author's Pov

Jimin's Pov

What the hell is this.....? A book?but wait why the hell is this book is sparkling in purple colour ? Let's read it , I hope i can find any solution in this" (In the book - A Devil can change himself to a Human if he want ....but that prosess is not easy . That prosess have less than 20% chance to be fullfill and if this process will not be successful then victim lose his / her soul or you say he will die .)...WHAT.....a devil can change himself to a. Human.....yess....But wait what is the ritual....(looking at the book) Wait where is the ritual.....all the pagesare blank....ARGHHH....wait Ajhussi he can help me ......Let go to him.....

End of Jimin's Pov

In the priest House

Jimin - AJHUSSI ? AJHUSSI. Where are you ?........ Ajhussi.....

Priest - Here I'm my son ? why are you yelling ? (Smiling at him)

Jimin - Ajhussi look what i found (smile widely) My solution (handed him the book)look at this...

Priest - (His facial expression changed after saw the book)....... From where did you find this book?(looking at him)

Jimin - I found this book in our library and guess what..i (cutt his word)

Priest - You found  a solution of your current situation right ? (Coldly)

Jimin - (Excitedly) Yess and you know i want to (again' cutt you of)

Priest - No it's really dangerous.....don't do this ritual Jimin.....

Jimin - But Ajhussi i want to do this ,i want to go to Y/n a devil if she is not my fate then i will become a human......right and you already know i can't live without her ...after many years again i felt love.....if i also lost it then i can't live anymore.......

Priest - But Jimin(cutted his word)

Jimin - Please ....i beg you .. please tell me that rules....(crying)..... please.. and give me permission

Priest - Fine you can follow that ritual at first you need a permission for this from God of fate.....and qween of heaven

Jimin - God of fate and qween of heaven? ...i mean how ..? I am a devil and he is a god...why he will help me ?...(confuse)

Priest - He will after all he wrote Y/n's fate and also yours.....and it's not like that he will not help us just because we are devil.....and he also know the ritual

Jimin - Ok ....if i need to do this then i will be ......

Priest - But can lose your life....(worried)

Jimin - I know Ajhussi if i lost my life during this ...then i will die in peace because i tried...and without her I'm already dead.....

Priest - i don't know what to say but i know one thing that You both made for each other... because of that girl you are now this much open with us....

Jimin - I know Ajhussi....ok i need to go...(smile ) take care and if i never came back then Make Rm the next king of our kingdom..ok take care.....(left)

Priest - i hope he will become successful in his work.....and you have to come back(smile)........

To be continued


Hey guys so sorry for taking this much of time.....hope guys forgive me🥺

And also forgive for my any grammatical mistake....

And one of my author best friend BlueHeartFanfiction Help me to write this I'm really thank full to her...

So enjoy....

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