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Olraun woke up suddenly as he felt himself being dragged on the ground by his legs. Pulling his legs back, he grabbed his kidnapper by the neck and swiftly snapped it. Pushing the body aside, he got up and looked around, not recognizing anything around him. Walking through what appeared to be a cemetery, he reached a courtyard with a giant with a coiled sword embedded in his chest. Olraun sighed as he looked lazily around the courtyard and shrugged. He gripped the weapon and heaved as he pulled the weapon out. The giant of a man got up and pulled his glaive from the ground. Olraun, figuring ill intentions, swung his sword at the man's thigh as that was what he could easily reach. His sword bounced harmlessly off the heavy armor as the man swung his weapon in a wide arc, barely missing Olraun as he leapt into the air, swinging his sword for his neck. The man convulsed as black and red goo erupted from its back, forming a black serpent with glowing red eyes. Olraun conjured a fireball and threw it at the creature. With a screech, it disintegrated and the man fell over dead. Olraun cautiously walked by it as he reached the other side of the courtyard and pushed the doors open as he approached a decrepit building with twin bell towers. Entering the building, he noticed somewhat familiar details about this place. Kneeling next to the unlit bonfire, he raised his head in alarm as he heard someone walk up behind him. When he look back, he saw a woman in ashen grey robes and a silver mask that hid her eyes.

"Greetings, Ashen One. I am a Firekeeper. I tend to the Flames and I tend to thee. Are you...well?" She asked.

Olraun stood up and walked closer. "I think so. What is this place?"

"This is Firelink Shrine. Before you are the thrones of the Lords. They have abandoned their thrones and you are to deliver them back to their place. Everyone here will help you on your journey," she said as she gestured back towards the hallway behind her. At the far end, Olraun spotted a familiar face.

"Andre!" He shouted as the old blacksmith wiped his hand on his apron and shook Olraun's.

"Been ages, it has. Still looking good as ever. I'm guessing you're probably going to be hunting for the lords. You'll need to look your best and be at your best for that," Andre remarked.

"I told you, this isn't..." Olraun started.

"I know. But I spent a few favors and a fair amount of effort getting some Elven scripts from back then. Its rough to read, but I made out enough that I can work the metal just fine. Leave the lot with me for a few days and I'll have it done," Andre said as Olraun nodded slowly as he took his armor off. Sitting near the bonfire, he watched the flames crackle.

As promised, Andre called Olraun back to his shop. Olraun held his sword and looked down the straight channeled blade and nodded in admiration at the grim briar modeling on the curved guard.

"I kept the blade in the same general shape as it was so the same scabbard could be used, which worked. The dagger was made to match, with the guard curving back on the hand instead of the blade. The armor though, I say is definitely my best work. I spent several hours on just the detailing for the plates. Its styled after a rose briar with thorns. Faint so at an arms distance it looks less detailing and more scarring. What do ye think?" Andre asked.

"Looks superb. I see you have more of the alloy. Could you make more weapons later if I were to describe what I'm needing?" Olraun asked as he snapped his cloak on.

"I reckon. Now you best get going. Lothric castle and the High Wall is full of hollows and do keep a sharp eye out. They trained dragons and wyverns to hunt for 'em so you may encounter some problems," Andre replied.

"Alright. Thanks again," Olraun said as Andre nodded and went back to his hammer and anvil.

Olraun looked out over the near empty outer wall of Lothric Castle. Pausing to search the corpse of a Lothric knight, he drew the knight's sword and looked it over. Closing his eyes, he felt ethereal tendrils wrap around the weapon and soon sensed the weapon in his mind. Dropping the sword, he summoned the spectral form of the sword, which soon became as real in appearance as the actual weapon, but created by the power of a Ring and as such was far stronger and durable. He let the weapon vanish as he continued his passage through the abandoned fortification till he reached a building being patrolled by hollows. Swiftly casting Morgul energy at the enemies, he descended a staircase into a guard room. Sitting in a cell was a person in a hood reserved usually for criminals. With a grunt, Olraun swung his sword, shattering the cell's lock. Stepping inside the person watched anxiously as he approached.

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