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i just got a text from a random number, usually i ignore these or delete them but i had spare time in my hands.

(y/n) who's this?
         sent just now

a couple hours earlier

yakko's pov:

as many of you reading this yakko x reader story know, I'm quite the flirt, as one specific girl said to me today. gosh, she was so beautiful, her face, her gorgeous hair, her beautiful skin tone, her body. she could draw too! i wonder if she had more talents. i was a little distracted after my sibs and i met her, she wouldn't leave my mind. it's like she was stuck to me like glue.

"hey.. hey...HEY, HELLO, EARTH TO YAKKO!" my sister finally caught my attention after i realized i was zoned out for a bit.

"o-oh! yeah dot?" i try not to give myself away that i was thinking about her.

"you seem out of it ever since we met that girl, are you thinking about her?" dot said annoyingly since this happens so often, i can't help it!

"uhhhh no!" i denied my feelings since i don't know if it really was true love or just an attractive person who caught my eye. then again, a lot of people catch my eye.

"oh yeah? then why were there hearts in your eyes just now?" dot had a point there. i almost said something but i shut my mouth.

"yakko! you don't even know her name!"

"i do! it's uhhhhhhhhhh.." i squinted my eyes while i looked back in my memories to remember her name.

"that's what I thought! you know what, maybe it's time that my big brother learns how to actually get a girlfriend instead of flirting with random women!" dot exclaimed with her hands on her hips. i knew i was pretty smooth with girls but i never knew how to actually talk to them.

"aha! i stole this from her!" i pulled out a small paper.

"you stole a piece of paper from her?" wakko showed up out of nowhere while preparing a burger.

"how romantic" dot rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.

"no, i stole her number. i took her phone without her knowing" i grinned at my actions, holding up the piece of paper proudly.

i grabbed my comically large phone as dot sighed in disappointment and wakko continued to make his burger.
i opened my phone app and typed in her number. i decided to put her name in my phone as "mine >:)" because, well, she will be soon!

"should i text or call her?" i contemplated between what way i should contact her.

"text!" "call!" my sibs said at the same time.

"i said text!" dot pointed to herself.

"i say call!" wakko crossed his arms after eating his burger in one bite. the two fought for a bit more before i decided the answer myself.

'alrighty, I'm gonna text her now' i thought to myself in my monologue voice. i didn't text her even though the messanger app was open.

'annnd now' i still didn't text her. i kept procrastinating since this is the first time I've ever texted a girl. i was frustrated my charm wasn't working when i wanted it to. i ended up texting her hours later.

back to your pov:

(u/n) The one and only, yakko!
          sent two minutes ago

'oh, it's him, how did he get my number-' i thought of how suspicious it was how he got my number when i had my phone with me the whole time. i finally removed the horrendous mess that was on my face and go to my room.

i went ahead and hesitantly saved his number on my phone. i put his name as "yakko :]", it sounds pretty bland but if i need to block him, his name was right there in plain sight.

(yakko :]) So heh, embarrassing question but what was your name? i didn't get it
    sent just now

(y/n) it's Yamilet (Y/n)! or call me Yami (n/n) if you like
   sent just now


"Que estas haciendo? (what are you doing?)" my dad barged into my room as he usually does. none of my family knocks but it would be nice to have my consent before they go into my room.

"nada (nothing)" i switched my messaging app to my Instagram page as quick as i could without my dad noticing. now, I'm allowed to have guy friends but my parents have to know and trust them as well. and they go on a frenzy if they see I'm befriending a new guy, don't get me started on the teasing.

"ok.. y no hablas con desconocidos, alright? (ok... and don't talk to strangers, alright?" my dad pointed a stern finger at me as he walked out of my room. i let out a slightly big sigh and continued to text yakko for a bit more.

Yakko Warner x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now