CHAPTER 20: breath taking

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the moment I walked into dot's room to see who called me, i was blinded by racks and racks of clothes with different colors, styles, glitters too. oh boy.

"dude, what the--" i was interrupted before i could finish.

"uh uh uh! the fox censors won't allow that" yakko shushed me, putting a finger to my mouth.

"i wasn't gonna curse, doofus" i took his finger off my mouth.

"then what were you gonna say, hmmm?" the trio all hummed in unison as they had a quizzical look on their faces.

"i dunno, heck or crap. i don't curse" i bluntly explained. yakko gave me a suspicious look for a second and moved on.

"anyway, why do you have so many clothes? that's probably more clothes than I've had socks my entire life." i asked dot, she could own an entire clothing store if she wanted.

"i gotta have the right outfit for the right occasion! i can't just wear the same thing every day!" dot ironically said. she wears the same pink skirt every day, well every day that i see her.

"also, some of these aren't mine. they're borrowed from minerva, hello nurse, even my brothers!" she beamed except when she mentioned her brothers. 

"well, that'll be interesting." i said thinking about the outfit I'll be forced to wear. yakko and wakko might be forced to wear something as well but I'm not sure.

dot immediately and literally kicked the boys out of her room. I'm actually pretty grateful for that.

"thanks for that" i patted her shoulder as a thank you. i immediately regretted that thank you when she handed me the first outfit.

"what the crap is this" i said holding it. it was a short, bubble gum pink dress with spaghetti straps and a dangerously low neck line. i'm assuming that this is either minerva's or hello nurse's, though it would be funny to think that it belongs to yakko or wakko.

"what?! it's super cute! it looks like it suits you!" she sounded like it was satire.

"you funny" i stared at the dress and stared back at dot.

"alright, just try it on" dot shoved me into a little fitting room i had no idea that she had.

i reluctantly took off my clothes and changed into this dress. oh it went so wrong.

it wasn't "tight" but it did hug my body a little too well, also i wasn't wearing the right bra with this. what kind of bra are you supposed to wear with this dress anyway!? i didn't feel comfortable enough showing this much of my cleavage, let alone showing any of it.

"aye bro, this dress is wayy to snug for me, i don't even feel my age anymore" i came out, blushing from embarrassment.

"snug dress?" yakko heard me outside of dot's room. he tried to barge in and he was almost successful until dot stopped him.

"wait a second there mister!" dot held her hand up, making yakko stop in his tracks.

"whyyy? i wanna see Yami! (y/n!)" he said as he tried to look for me, jumping up and down like an excited kid.

"right now she doesn't feel comfortable with being seen, so be a gentleman and respect her privacy!" she yelled at yakko. yakko then slowly walked away with a sad look on his face, but didn't want to upset me so he respected my feelings about being seen.

this moment, i felt truly grateful for dot. she managed to recognize how uncomfortable i was and she did something.

"thanks again, i couldn't have done that with out you" i gave her a genuine smile, closed mouth of course.

"any time, yami (y/n)"

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