CHAPTER 23: realization

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ok so, apparently everyone wants food. I'm hungry too so might as well. luckily I've brought my wallet with me, i got some money saved up so i should be able to afford it all.

"Yami? (y/n?)" i heard his voice that interrupted my thoughts.

"yeah? what's wrong?" i asked while feeling my phone in my pockets.

"nothing! i just want to say thank you for taking care of me, a-and my sibs of course! we've never really been treated like this by other people, but it's fine!" yakko's tone lowered when he mentioned that him and his siblings weren't treated all that nice.

"dude, it's no problem! you're welcome, and I'm sorry that you and your siblings weren't treated the best, i get it. and i want to say thank you too, you, dot, and wakko are actually a couple of the few people in my life who make me feel validated without me pushing myself to the extreme and feeling like i should be flawless. ah jeez I'm rambling again, I'm sorry-"

"i-it's ok! and I'm glad that we make you feel that way, it's nice knowing that we make people feel comfortable" yakko gave me a sincere smile, not a smirk. it felt warm and genuine, it was honestly pretty cute. i kinda wanna admit it to him but im a coward.

"what're you looking at?" yakko once again interrupted me. i realized that i was zoned out and it looked like i was staring at his lips.

"nothing!" i turn away with heat creeping up my face.

"you were looking like you wanted to, say, steal my lips~?" he snickered as i rolled my eyes.

"well, if you really want it! pucker up buttercup!" he made a kissy face and jokingly attempted to kiss me.

"augh, no-ho-ho! que asco! (gross!)" i laughed as i pushed him back, trying not to hurt him more. not gonna lie, i maybe wanted to kiss but that's for my fake scenarios.

"awh, c'mon! why not?!" he nudged my arm and wiggled his brows.

"I've never had my first kiss!!" i blurted out mindlessly, still in my laughing fit. i didn't mean to say that out loud-

"reaaally? you seem like you would've had a bunch of kisses~!" i immediately regretted what i said, where's a time machine when i need one?

"nope, not a single kiss" i already felt the awkward tension between us, but it seemed like i was the only one feeling it.

"well, I'll be your first then~!" he made that stupid kissy face again, making "muah" sounds as he progressively got closer and closer to my face.

"sto-ho-hop! I'm hungry and we're getting food!" i whined, did i enjoy this? i have no idea. i went to go get my wallet from my pocket, but it wasn't there.

"shoot!" i frantically searched my abundance of pockets, wallet was no where to be found.

"what's wrong?" yakko asked concerned.

"aughhhh, i left my wallet back at the water towerrr, we've walked so far though!" i groaned and whined.

"it's alright! we'll just get it back" he attempted to comfort me. we then started to walk back all the way to the water tower.

Yakko Warner x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now