CHAPTER 24: the call

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we were walking back to the water tower to retrieve my wallet. as we were walking, i heard my ringtone playing. apparently my mom called me a few times before, but i don't know why my phone didn't ring when she did. i answered, putting a finger on my mouth to gesture yakko to stay silent.

"bueno? (hello?)"

"hola mija! estas bien? andas con tu amiguita? (hey! are you ok? are you with your little friend?)"

"si ma, aquí está conmigo (yes ma, she's right here with me)"

"ah qué bueno! oye, ahí está la mamá de tu amiga? quiero hablar con ella sobre unos collares que iba vender. (ah good! hey, is your friend's mom there? I want to talk to her about some necklaces that I was going to sell)"

"uhh..." i look over to yakko who has no clue what I'm saying, clearly not seeing my friend's mom.

"es que ahorita está comprando comida para nosotros, y está súper ocupada con cosas de su trabajo (right now she is buying food for us, and she is super busy with things from her work)"

"ah ok, pos ni modo. que le digas hola a todos para mí, ok? (ah ok, nevermind. tell everyone I said hi, ok?)"

"ok, bye love you"

"love you too"

after i ended that call, i let out a deep breath of relief.

"was it that bad?" yakko asked with concern.

"no, it's just that i had to make up a lie on the spot and I'm not very good with lies so i was quite literally holding my breath" i stretched my arms.

"oh i see, such a naughty girl~! lying to her own mother about being with moi" yakko pointed to himself to make it seem like he was dramatically fainting.

"ah shush, if you weren't so important to me, i wouldn't be doing this. you're welcome" i crossed my arms in pride.

"oh so you do see me as special, huh~?" yakko teased, thinking that it'll affect me this time.

"yeah i do, so? do you find something wrong about that~?" i teased back, catching a flustered expression from Mr. Charming himself.

"you know, let's just go get that wallet of yours! c'mon!" yakko grabbed onto my arm and started to speed walk.

"just like me fo' real" i laughed still thinking about his soft expressions.

we arrived back and i retrieved my wallet from my bag.

"got it! let's go now--"

"wait, i feel like that show if familiar" yakko squinted at my wallet, which had a my hero academia design on it.

"uhmm i don't think so, let's just g--" i try to evade the topic.

"oh! it's from my hero, right?" yakko answers, making me internally face palm.

"yeah, i wish i had a different wallet though" i admit, dragging yakko out of the tower before his siblings can ask why we were back so soon.

"why? is the show terrible?" he obliviously asked.

"no, it's not that. the show's great actually, it's just the fandom. it's mad weird dude, plus i had a whole phase about this show. everything i owned in sixth grade was their posters, clothing, manga, fanart, my screen backgrounds, the wallet, it was a whole thing and I'm trying to get out of it" i said my point of view.

"ah i see, can you at least tell me the plot of the story?" yakko pleaded with his puppy eyes, i just gave in immediately so i don't gotta endure puppy eyes.

"alright so, this is set in the future. by now, 80% of the world's population has superpowers called quirks. the main character doesn't have a quirk, he gets bullied for it, and then he inherited his idol's quirk and is tryna be the best hero now through the best hero school." i said in a nutshell, explaining everything that I can.

"ohh ok! sounds a little 'quirky' to me" yakko snickered at the blandest pun I've heard being uttered out of someone's mouth. jeez.

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