The Fusion Shinobi

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Description: Naruto and Sasuke met a few weeks after the Uchiha Massacre, and quickly became friends, their friendship lasted for 1.5 years, until something went wrong. When practicing a jutsu found in the Uchiha library that's supposed to allow 2 people to fuse together temporarily(for up to an hour depending on how much chakra is used) when they use it simultaneously while making direct eye contact(the jutsus don't have to be used at the exact instant, there's a delay of 2 seconds before it takes effect, and of you want it to work you have to cast it during that timeframe), but Naruto and Sasuke didn't take into effect the compatibility between their chakras, and Naruto's hyper dense and potent chakra. The combination of these things caused the jutsu to permanently fuse the 2 with eachother, leading to the creation of the most powerful shinobi the world ever has, or ever will see.


Name: Sasuto Uzuchiha

Bloodlines: Sharingan, Uzumaki regeneration, Uzumaki sealing chains, Uzumaki longevity.

Bloodline Descriptions:

Sharingan: it's the sharingan, I don't need to explain it.

Uzumaki regeneration: they can heal from any wound so long as they're still conscious, and they still have enough chakra left.

Uzumaki sealing chains: it's the adamantine chains used by Karin and Kushina. I really shouldn't need to explain thsi either.

Uzumaki longevity: the lifeforce of an Uzumaki is incredibly potent, so potent in fact, that some Uzumakis are capable of living to be over 500 years old. But for Sasuto, bloodline was given an immense boost by the fusion, allowing him to live for over a thousand years without looking a day over 30.


Pairing: harem

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Pairing: harem. Members undecided, but the 2 main girls are

Hinata Hyuuga

Hinata Hyuuga

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Sakura Haruno

Sakura Haruno

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