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Daishou was walking with a friend to his next class and let out an exhausted sigh. "Man, I hate my science project."

"Project or partner?"

"When is it ever the project, Suga? I mean, really?"

"Right. Nerd. I forgot."

"I am not a nerd."

"Riiight, and I don't like volleyball." Daishou rolled his eyes as Suga laughed. "So, who's your cursed partner?"

"Kotaro Bokuto." Suga paused and Daishou walked a little further before he noticed Suga wasn't next to him. He turned around and saw Suga staring at him in shock. "What?"

"The Kotaro Bokuto? As in our star quarterback Kotaro Bokuto?"



"Told you stop calling me that."

"--you're partnered with our star quarterback and you're upset about that?"

"Right, forgot himbos are your type."

"Are not."

A gust of wind flew past Daishou and Suga was suddenly not next to him. He heard Suga's laugh from behind him and turned to see a guy with black hair holding Suga over his shoulder.

"What the.." Once the person was facing Daishou's direction, his eyes widened in shock. "And he says himbos aren't his type," he said, rubbing the back of his head with a sigh. The guy set Suga down and ruffled his hair before walking away. Suga walked back over to Daishou who was staring at him with a knowing look. "Really?"

"What?" Daishou glanced at the guy and back at Suga. "Oh, come on. It doesn't mean anything! It's just a little joke."

"But Tetsuro Kuroo of all people? Really, Suga?"

"It could be a good thing! Eventually! I mean, come on. We're best friends, Kuroo and Bokuto are best friends.." Suga said, pointing at himself and Daishou.

Daishou's eyes widened when he noticed what Suga meant. "No, absolutely not. I will never get with that--" Daishou shuddered-- "person."

"He can't be that bad."

"You don't have him in almost every class, and on top of that, have to partner with him. It's nightmare fuel, Suga."

"You didn't explain how that's bad."

"He threatened me just because I said Mrs. Hills isn't grading our project as one." Suga stared at Daishou with folded arms. "What?"

"Is that all you said?"

"Yes." Suga raised his eyebrow. "Maybe." Furrowed brows. "Okay, fine. That's not all I said."

"Attaboy," Suga praised, ruffling Daishou's hair.

"Shut up."

The bell rang and Suga and Daishou looked up at the bell then at each other. "Fuck!" they said simultaneously. "I'll see you later! Love you!" Suga yelled, turning and running to his class.

"Love you, too!" Daishou yelled back, running to his class a few doors down. He got to his English class just before the bell stopped ringing and stood in the doorway, trying to catch his breath.

"You're late," the teacher said.

"I know, I'm sorry, Mrs. Jason." The teacher let Daishou off the hook since he wasn't usually late. Daishou looked around the class and the last open seat was next to... him. "God, just kill me now," Daishou muttered to himself, as he walked to the dreadful seat. He sat down as slowly as possible, like Bokuto was some type of vicious animal, and the teacher started explaining.

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