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a/n: this is a long chapter (over 5k words) so buckle up and enjoy 💃


"and, do you, kotaro bokuto, take suguru daishou to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

bokuto smiled brightly, triggering a chain reaction in all the guests. "i do."

the priest smiled. "then, it is at this time that i now pronounce you husband and husband. you may now kiss the groom," he said, closing the book.

bokuto and daishou immediately grabbed for each other and pressed their lips together, feeling the sparks coursing all through their veins, never wanting this moment to end as they tightly embraced one another.

the guests and priest were clapping loudly and it was ringing in their ears, bouncing off every wall in their brain. a day that they would remember forever.

bokuto and daishou finally pulled apart, and daishou kept his arms around bokuto's neck. "happy birthday, kotaro," daishou said softly, leaning his forehead on bokuto's.

"best birthday gift ever, suguru," bokuto replied, his eyes closed with a smile on his face.


this is their house cause bokuto became a pro football player 💃

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this is their house cause bokuto became a pro football player 💃


"so, what do you plan on doing for your 20th today?" suga asked.

"well, i didn't have any plans but kotaro says he has something big planned for me. said it's something i've been talking about for a while," daishou said, holding the phone to his ear with his shoulder as he was putting dishes away.

"it's so weird that i'm not gonna be able to call you 'shou' anymore. i've been calling you that since we were five, and now look at us. 20 and you're married."

"yep, married to the guy i claimed i hated and was never gonna be my boyfriend. now look at me. he's my husband and we're absolutely obsessed with each other," daishou said, a fond smile on his face.

bokuto walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, smiling at daishou. "you ready?"

"oh, suga, i gotta go. we're about to leave," daishou said, replacing his shoulder with his hand.

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