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Kuroo carried Suga to football practice and brought him into the locker room. He got a few daps from the other players as he walked to his locker. He set Suga down on the bench and lightly squeezed his face before opening his locker.

Suga looked around and stared at a few of the guys. "Why are all the football boys so hot?" he asked, crossing his leg while winking at a few of the players.

Kuroo put on his jersey and smiled at Suga, grabbing his face to make him look at him. "Really? You think these chumps are hotter than me?" Kuroo said, getting a nudge from the guy next to him.

"Oh, no, of course not, sweetie." Suga stood up and put his finger under Kuroo's chin and the locker room went quiet. "You'll always be hotter in my eyes." Kuroo was frozen in shock as the football team jumped up and down while cheering, the ones closer to Kuroo slapping his shoulders.

"Awww shit, Kuroo got game!" one of them yelled. Some of them were cupping their mouths and barking while others banged on the lockers.

"Wait, you guys are okay with this?" Suga asked, once all the noise died down.

"Hell yeah, why wouldn't we be? We got a couple of fruity boys on the team. Number 6, Daichi, number 12, Suna, and number 17, Sakusa."

"I have a girlfriend," number 17, Sakusa, said, not looking up from his phone.

"I told you many times, Reon, I don't swing that way," number 12, Suna, said. "I just act that way 'cause it's basically football nature."

"Hey, wait, you're Suna?" Suga questioned, pointing at Suna.

"Yeah, why?"

"My best friend used to have it bad for you in sophomore year."

"Ohhhh, you're friends with that dude with the sick ass ear piercings, right? With the greenish-brown hair?"

"Yeah, that's him!"

"Tell your friend he's mad fuckin' hot."

"Don't swing that way, huh?" Reon added, raising his eyebrow at Suna, who just rolled his eyes.

"I can be confident enough in my sexuality to give credit where credit's due."

"I'd be careful with him. Bokuto already fiending," Kuroo advised, wrapping an arm around Suga's waist and pulling him closer.

"Ah, he hates him, doesn't he?" Suna said, picking up his helmet.

"Can't stop talking about him. Alright, let's head to the field," Kuroo addressed, picking Suga up by the waist and walking towards the doors to the field.

"Look, I'm fine with you carrying me over your shoulder 'cause I like seeing the jealousy radiating from the girls, but you gotta stop carrying me like this. It makes me feel like a sack of potatoes."

"Don't think like that. Think of it as you're on your way to get punished," Kuroo said, not realizing what he just sparked in Suga's mind.

"Damn, daddy freaky, huh?" Suga teased, Kuroo playfully glaring at Suga. "I'm gonna be thinking about you punishing me for the entire practice now."

Everyone else went to the field and Kuroo went over to the bleachers, sitting Suga down on the 5th row. "Now, what am I supposed to do? I can't go on the field with a boner."

"You'll be moving the whole time, so it should be fine, right?"

"Yeah, I guess. What about after?"

"I can give you head behind the bleachers."

Kuroo clapped then fingergunned, "Sold." He jogged down the bleachers and onto the field, joining a line for running cones and the hand-off relay.

"You totally like him, don't you?" Daichi asked, leaning over to Kuroo.

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