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"do you want to come watch me at football practice?" suna asked, wrapping his arm around akaashi's waist. akaashi leaned his temple against suna's and put his arm around his shoulder.

"sure, i don't have anything else to do besides go to the mall."

"ooh, shopping? what for?"

"i need more clothes."

"you have enough clothes."

"tell that to the extra closet space i have."

"you have a walk-in closet, of course there's gonna be extra space. it wouldn't be much of a walk-in closet if there wasn't."

"whatever you say, ma lumière," akaashi said, booping suna's nose.

"i didn't take french, you're gonna have to tell me what that means."

akaashi chuckled. "it means 'my light.'"

"nicknames in other languages are so unnecessarily attractive."

"which is why i gave you one in french."

"too bad i didn't take a foreign language."

"you can stick with 'my love' for now," akaashi smiled, suna pulling him closer and smiling as well.


they got to the doors of the locker room and suna turned to face akaashi. "a little warning, these guys are gonna pester you because they've been on my ass for a while about me being gay, and now that i'm bringing you, they're definitely gonna question it."

"i'm pretty sure i can handle it. but, thanks for the warning," akaashi said, kissing suna's cheek and walking into the locker room. suna was dazed for a moment before he blinked back into reality and went into the locker room.

akaashi waited for suna by the doors and followed him to his locker, akaashi's presence finally being noticed by the other players. "aye, suna, who's this? your boyfriend?" daichi teased, elbowing suna's arm.

"yes, actually."

"man, stop playing," daichi laughed. it took him a moment to fully process what suna had said. once he did, he looked at him with a shocked face. "wait, seriously? he's actually your boyfriend?"

suna raised his eyebrow. "yeah?"

"no way. kiss him. right now." the other players gathered behind daichi as suna grabbed akaashi's face and pecked his lips, shocking the others.

"holy shit, he actually kissed him," sakusa said, grabbing daichi's shoulder.

"ain't no way. i don't believe it," daichi said, crossing his arms.

"i mean, i can make out with him if you really want me to. can even go an extra mile with it," suna said, crossing his arms as well.

"be my guest. ion believe it for a second."

suna shrugged and picked up akaashi, supporting him by his ass as akaashi wrapped his arms and legs around suna. "let's put on a show," suna whispered to akaashi with a smirk. akaashi smirked back as he cupped suna's cheek and leaned down, connecting their lips and suna instantly sliding his tongue into akaashi's mouth.

"alrighty then, that's enough proof for me," sakusa said, patting daichi's shoulder and walking away with the others.

akaashi and suna made sure that whoever was, for some reason, still watching, they could clearly see their tongues tangling with each other. at one point, akaashi even slightly moaned into the kiss.

reon walked over and stood next to daichi. "yo, why are you watching so intensely?"

"because that's actually hot and i really hate that i think that."

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