Chapter 3

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The school day goes by fast. Wishing it could last longer since dad will be hone when I get there. Leaving the last class of the day which was band I start walking out of the class. (F/n) following not to far behind. "Hey (F/n) you got practice today?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, I got practice. Hopefully it ends soon cause it's getting really hot outside." (F/n) says with a small sigh. I rub his back a little "I'm sure you enjoy practice but it would be nice walking home with you again." (F/n) starts walking and I chase after him. "Hey (F/n), you mind If I tag along during practice?" He smiles and nods Patting my shoulder. "Thanks bro, I appreciate it."

Next thing I know I'm sitting in the middle of the field with (f/n) running on the track. I look at my phone getting notifications from dad. "GET TH FUCK HOME BEFORE I COME AND GET YOU." I stand up getting ready to leave and (f/n) runs up. "Hey, gotta leave?" He says panting a little from running. "Yeah dad just messaged me I got-" I stop seeing dad walk onto the field. (F/n) turns around the looks back at me knowing exactly what was going to happen. He looks at me with wide eyes and tells me to run. I run off the field and jump over the fence to my bike. I jump on my bike and ride home. If I make it there before him I can get mom to lock my bedroom door. She'll hide the key from dad too. I make it to the house not going through the path in the woods this time. Running inside after locking my bike I go yo get mom. I can't seem to find here anywhere? I go to the kitchen and find a note from mom

*sorry sweet heart but I was put was put on late shift. Be careful when dad gets home and please listen to him. It will be best for the both of us*


I turn around to the sound of the door slamming shut. It's dad standing in the living room. SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. STAY CALM AND LISTEN. not for me but for mom. "Hey da-." "DON'T YOU HEY DAD ME YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT." I stay still grabbing the counter next to me and trembling a little. "YOU HAVE CAUSE ENOUGH PROBLEMS FOR ME AND YOUR MOM TODAY" Whith the basement door in the kitchen he points at the door. I shacke my starting to tear up a little. I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't I cant. I say over and over on my head. He walks over and opens the door. With me to afraid to move he throws me down the basement stairs.

Male reader x Jeff the KillerWhere stories live. Discover now