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Naruto looked around the room, Kiba, Shikamaru, Zawabo, and Mizura all wore elegant black kimono like the one his was wearing. He was cerently in the grooms room, waiting for his big with his soon to be wife. In just and hour he would be married, Mei would be his wife, that still blew Naruto's mind.

Kiba walked up and put a hand on Naruto's shoulder, "You ready man?"

Naruto smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I think I am. It's kinda strange, but I really like Mei. I think we're actually gonna be really happy together, pretty lucky for an arranged marriage."

"Troublesome as you can be, you tend to get pretty lucky. I guess this is no exception," Shikamaru told him.

Naruto laughed, he did seem to always find to make best out of any situation. Zawabo came up and slapped him on the back, "we'll I'm glad you're here, thanks to you I actually got a date with Huyri."

Naruto shook his head, "all I did was tell you to ask her out, it wasn't that hard."

"He has a point Zawabo, the signs were right there," Mizura told him.

Zawabo pouted while the rest of them laughed, they wondered if the bridesmaids room was like this.

Sakura, Hinata, Huyri, and Rituji sat patiently waiting for Mei to come out in her dress. The anticipation was killing them, but they knew something like this took time.

Mei finally walked out and everyone's jaw dropped, she looked amazing. She wore an elegant white dress that hugged her body, showed just enough cleavage so that it was attractive without being trashy, a simple white veil covered her face, and no straps so that it showed her shoulders. "So how do I look?" she asked.

"You look great, you're gonna knock Naruto out," Sakura told her.

"Wow Mei, you look fantastic," said Huyri and Rituji.

"Yes, you look very nice, Naruto will be very happy," Hinata said, proud that she had kept control of her stutter, something she intended to do until the wedding was over. She had been working on confidence sense Naruto left, she was happy to say she was making great progress.

Mei sighed with a small smile, "This is really it isn't it, I'm getting married today?"

She still couldn't believe, she was getting married today. She kept saying it over and over in her mind, it was just amazing to her. Mei knew when she became Mizukage she would likely have to be politically married, but she honestly never expected to actually like her husband, she thought she was going to get some uptight jackass who felt it was nothing more than a job to marry her, she never thought he would actually put forth some effort in this relationship. Naruto had really surprised her, she honestly wasn't sure if she could have gotten anyone better. She was really starting to feel this whole thing could work out.

The time had finally arrived, Naruto stood at the altar, waiting for his soon to be wife to walk down the aisle. He took a deep breath, it was kinda overwhelming, all of this happening at once, but he knew he could do this, for Mei and his friends, he would do anything. The music played and the doors opened to sight the took Naruto's breath away. Mei stood there, looking absolutely amazing, Ao, the man she had come to view as a father, walked her down and she gave him small kiss on the cheek. Ao smiled and gave her hug, and she walked up to meet Naruto.

Tsunade, who was performing the ceremony, began to speak, "we're here today to join these two nations and two hearts in marriage. Both of these individuals, who I'm proud to call my friend, exemplify the very thing their villages stand for. Naruto represents the undying and unsurrendering spirit of the Leaf, and Mei represents the diversity and ability to survive the Mist has become know for. If you would both please read your vows.

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