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Naruto had been having a surprisingly busy month. He had been training with Kurama, attempting to use the jinjuriki cloke. He been having little success to his extreme frustration. Kurama kept telling him he had to have inner peace before he could truly use it. That answer confused him quite a bit, he was perfectly at peace with everything...right?

Naruto also had things he need to do for his undercover friend, Naruto and Mizura had created a seal that would activate when Orochimaru tried to take Sasuke's body. It was an addition to the curse mark that would kill Orochimaru by siphoning his chakra into Sasuke's causing the opposite effect that he was going for. It was based off Naruto's seal and integrate Orochimaru's chakra slowly into Sasuke's, keeping it from hurting or corrupting. Sasuke would be able to use almost any jutsu Orochimaru could, an extremely impressive feat. Mizura visited a small village Sasuke was in and placed it on him after they finished it, they couldn't risk Naruto doing and being recognized.

Last but not least, Naruto had been very busy with Mei. He catered to her every whim, and that wasn't easy considering her mind boggling cravings. She actually asked for chocolate ramen, Naruto had to have someone make it especially for her just so he could get it to.

They were scheduled to leave today, much to Naruto fear, "Mei-chan are you sure about this, you're eight months along now? This just doesn't seem like a good idea."

Mei sighed at her husband, she had this conversation for the past month, "Naruto, I've told you, I'm fine. I know you're worried about me, but I can handle this. We have friends getting married and I'm not going to miss it."

Naruto walked over and held her close, "I know, I'm just worried. I love you and if anything ever happened to you I don't know what I'd do."

"Naruto-kun, I'm a Kage, not some girl you have to protect. You and I are equal in strength, don't forget that," She scolded.

Naruto could see she wasn't going to drop this, "alright, just promise me that you're not going to over do it."

She kissed her husband, "I always am."

Sasuke stood outside Orochimaru's door preparing himself. He knew exactly why Orochimaru had called him there, it was time for him to switch bodies. Sasuke was going to kill him, absorb his body, and go find his brother. It's what he needed to do, it's what these last three years had been leading to, it was time.

The ceremony had been very extravagant, Shino was from a major clan after all. Rituji had looked beautiful in her dress, and Shino looked surprisingly normal without his hood on. It had been lovely afternoon, but they all knew the fun was going to be at the reception.

The Aburame clan provided some of its legendary wine and Akimichi clan made the food. It was all fantastic, really something amazing. Shino and Rituji went around to thank everyone, and soon they found Naruto and Mei, "Mizukage-sama, it is an honor to have you at our wedding," Shino said in his usually monotone.

Mei laughed slightly at how political he sounded, "Mizura is one of my closest friends, it's no trouble at all."

Shino nodded and turned to Naruto, "could I speak to you at the bar for a moment?"

Naruto picked up his wine, "sure, be right back sweetie."

Rituji took Naruto's seat next to Mei, "hey, how've you been?"

Mei smiled at her old friend, "great, what about you, how's Shino been treating you."

Rituji took a sip of her drink, "surprisingly, he's actually pretty nice. I can't say I love him yet, but he's a good guy. I can definitely marry him at least."

Mei put her hand on her lap, "I hope you can be as happy as Naruto-kun and I are."

Shino and Naruto stood at the bar, "Zawabo and Huyri are getting married in the Mist, who's all getting married here now?"

Politics in the Mist «Completed»Where stories live. Discover now