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Naruto walked to the Hokages office with a little smile on his face. He'd had a long month and he was eager for some relaxation. However when he walked into Tsunade's office he could see that wasn't gonna happen.

Sakura looked around, almost in a panic, "you're sure that's what the scroll said?"

Tsunade rubbed her temples, "yes, according to Sasori's scroll he was meeting a spy he had in Orochimaru's originization three days from now."

Sakura slammed her hand on the desk nearly breaking it, "we're gonna go there aren't we?"

Tsunade nodded, "of course, you and a few others with you."

Sakura turned to around to see Naruto standing behind her, "oh this is perfect, you're gonna go with me aren't you?"

"Um, yeah, of course I will," Naruto said dumbly.

Sakura hugged him, and ran out of the room to prepare. Naruto turned to Tsunade, "so what are you gonna do?"

Tsunade pulled a scroll out of her desk, "his last report told said that Orochimaru intend on taking his body soon. It might be for the best if we pulled him out now."

"How is he getting those reports without being caught anyway?" Naruto asked.

"He leaves them various ninja we have posing as local villagers when he and the rest of Orochimaru's men move." Tsunade shrugged.

Naruto sat down and thought for a second, "maybe we should keep him in and wait for him to tell us when Orochimaru's about to switch, then we could storm his hideout and kill him while he's weak. I gotta admit though, I don't like the idea of risking it."

Tsunade tapped her hands in thought, "I know he's gonna put the two of you in genjutsu when he sees you. He's actually been asking in his reports if we could arrange a meeting between you two. When you see him tell him his options and ask him what he thinks is best, he's the one taking the risk after all."

Naruto nodded, "you mind if head to the hotel and get my thoughts straight, I can give my report later?"

Tsunade nodded and Naruto headed out, he had a lot on his mind.

Naruto stared at the ceiling of his room, just wondering what he was suppose to do, suppose to say. What if Sasuke chose to stay undercover so they could kill Orochimaru? Should he tell Sakura what's really going on? What if Orochimaru got Sasuke's body. So many questions and he only had one answer... how the hell should he know!

It had been so long since he saw his friend, what the hell would he even say? 'Hey buddy, hope the pedofile snake hasn't been rapping you the past 3 years.' Oh yeah, that'd be a good opening line.

Don't be mistaken, Naruto was happy to see his friend again, but he still couldn't help but feel like maybe he'd been wrong to let Sasuke go. No, it was something he needed to do, Naruto knew that. He had gotten so much information at one time, Sasuke just needed time to clear his head, time away from the Leaf.

Naruto sighed and turned off his light. Maybe he would find some peace in sleep.

Naruto repeated everything he had thought through the night, she leaned back in her chair frowned slightly, "I don't know if we should tell Sakura or not, I just don't think she'll have a good reaction to all this. I doubt she would keep cover when facing him as well, she just doesn't do well with fighting while she's emotional, it's why I haven't made her jonin yet."

Naruto shook his head, "She has a right to know, I think she'll handle it just fine. If anything she'll try even harder because she want's to keep Sasuke safe, there's no way she would blow his cover if she thought it would hurt him."

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