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They got Gaara back to Suna as fast as they could, everyone was very eager for this to be over. Once they got back Sakura had a very easy time healing him, Sasori's poison was designed to paralyze not kill. She took samples of all the poisons so that she could have cures on hand if she ever needed them again. All in all it ended for the best, they made out like bandits with everything they recovered. Kankuro was able to retrieve Sasori's puppet body which he would practice with as it was quite powerful, as well as other puppets of Sasori's to study and learn from along with Lady Chiyo. They were able to get several samples of Deidara's explosive clay lying around the wrecked battlefield, which could be useful if they could identify the elements of the compound and track down where he was getting the material to make it. Last but not least, they had found a very special poison Sasori had that a rare snake venom in it he only could have gotten from one person...Orochimaru. Either Orochimaru still worked with the Akatsuki or Sasori had a spy in his organization. Everyone agreed it had to be the latter, as there was no way the Akatsuki would trust Orochimaru after everything that had went down between them. Sasori had all of his personal notes stored in his puppets, the one thing he really trusted, and once they were able to break the code they were written, they may be able to figure out who.

After a lot of straighten things out, they had finally decided it was time to leave. Gaara insisted on seeing them off at the gate, "Thank all of you for help, I would be dead now if weren't for all of you."

Temari, who was over saying goodbye to Shikamaru, walked over to Naruto and gave him a hug, "thank you for everything you've done for us, we can never repay you."

Naruto laughed and scratched the back of his head, "it's no big deal."

Gaara stepped forward, "no, my sister is correct. You've helped bring happiness into our family, something I never thought possible. If there's anything we can ever do for you please just ask."

Naruto nodded and shook his hand, "thank you, that means a lot."

They said there finally goodbyes and headed off, Naruto turned to Sakura, "would you mind just heading back with me, Mei's 22 weeks along now and it's time for her check up. I know we could just wait, but we're able to find out the genders of the babies and I'm really excited."

Sakura nodded, "of course, it wouldn't be any trouble at all."

Naruto smiled and they continued walking, he was extremely excited about this.

The Tsuchikage was aggravated, he didn't know why someone was walking him up from his nap but he was pist about it, "This better be important or I swear I'm going to bury under a mountain and fall asleep on top of it."

The aid smiled nervously, "I'm sorry Lord Tsuchikage but we all felt you'd want to know Deidara was finally killed."

Tsuchikage was surprised, he really though if anyone would kill Deidara it would be him, "Really, when did this happen."

The aid sighed in relief that Tsuchikage wasn't going to kill him, "we got the messenger bird a minutes ago, it was sent over as soon as he was killed. He's been dead less than a day."

The Tsuchikage nodded, "any idea who killed him?"

The aid pulled out a Leaf bingo book, "yes sir, he's in the bingo book we recovered from the Leaf a few weeks ago, 'The Red Mist', page 34."

The Tsuchikage turned the pages until he found him, he went frowned deeply when he saw the picture, "why am I only see this now."

The aid was confused, "we haven't looked very deeply into it, is something wrong with it?"

The Tsuchikage handed him the book, "doesn't this boy look familiar to you?"

The aid nodded, "a little, but we didn't really think much of it."

Politics in the Mist «Completed»Where stories live. Discover now