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Naruto sat inside the hospital room, holding the hand of his unconscious wife. His kids were in were being handle by Tsunade and Sakura, they still weren't sure if they would make it but they said Mei would definitely survive. Naruto felt awful, how would he tell Mei when she woke up that their kids might die.

Mei's eyes began to flutter open, it looked like Naruto wouldn't have time to figure that out, "Naruto-kun...you're ok...where are...the kids."

Naruto was barely able to choke out the words, "They're being taken care of by Baachan, they're...they're not sure if they're gonna live."

Mei gasped, "What!"

Naruto started to cry again, "Mei I'm sorry, I,"

Mei held him to her, "don't apologize just hold me!"

Naruto nodded and hugged his wife, it was going to be long night for the two of them.

Tsunade was working like mad to try and help the babies, but it wasn't going great. There lungs weren't well enough developed to breath properly, and it wasn't easy to keep them expanding.

Tsunade had been work for 5 straight hours, she finally collapsed, she had no more chakra, Sakura was drained too. She waited for the flat line...but it never game. She looked up to see a red cloak around the children, it was keeping them breathing. Tsunade didn't ask questions, just went with it, "get us some soldier pills, I don't know how long this will last, but I can be back up to full strength in an hour. Sakura in about an hour and a half. We've got to use this people, lets get going."

Mei and Naruto had sat in the room for an hour, neither saying a word. Finally Sakura burst in the room, "We did it! We got the lungs expanding properly, they're gonna be just fine!"

Mei shirked in joy and kissed her husband, "Oh thank God they're ok!"

Naruto kissed her back, "I'm so sorry I put you through this, I'm so glad they're ok."

Mei just kept kissing him, "It's not your fault, you told me not to go."

Naruto stopped and shook his head, "No, Mizuki was after me, not you. I couldn't even protect you, but not anymore. I'm going to get stronger. I've got two babies and a beautiful wife, I'm not going to risk losing that again."

Mei smiled, "It's still not your fault, but that doesn't matter. We need to go see our children."

Naruto picked her up bridal style, "Well lets go then."

Sakura stopped him, "Oh no, we have someone bringing them here now, Mei needs her rest. Now for the bad news, Mei there was too much damage to your body from delivering the babies so suddenly like that. To put it simply...we had to sterilize you to save your life."

Mei gasped again, "I'm sorry sweetie, I know you wanted a big family…"

Naruto stopped her with a kiss, "We've got two healthy, perfect little babies, I'm the luckiest man alive."

Tsunade walked in holding two bundles, "Gotta say my grandkids are extremely cute."

Naruto smiled and took one, Tsunade handed the other to Mei. The boy had Naruto's hair style but Mei's red hair, the girl had Mei's hair style, but Naruto's color. Mei giggled, "They got the right style but the hair colors switched."

Naruto smiled at his son, "they're beautiful."

Tsunade watched the new parents adoring the new babies, "Mito for the girl, and Asuma for the boy, we've already got the birth certificates going."

Asuma was making small noises in Naruto's arms, "Thank you, for everything you've done for us."

Tsunade nodded, "you're welcome, but it wasn't just me. There was some kind of miracule in there. A red cloak kept there lungs moving long enough to recharge."

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