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Naruto was a 5 miles from the Mist waiting for Pain, he was going to try to avoid this fight from being in the Mist to avoid damages. Pa was on his shoulder and he had Gamabunta and Gamaken behind him. He activated his jinjuriki cloak and got ready. They could sense Pain's chakra coming, this was gonna be big.

Five figures appeared before Naruto, the Six Paths of Pain minus the one destroyed by Jiraiya, "So, Jiraiya-sensei really does have a new student. Excellent, I would hate to think that someone like Jiraiya-sensei would just give up. The world wouldn't be worth bring peace to if people were so willing to just layed back and accepted everything."

Naruto scowled, "so you really were trained by Pervy-sage, and you turned into this. Do you really think this is the kind of piece he wanted?"

Pain didn't show any emotion, "Jiraiya-sensei was a great man, a visionary of sorts, but he was a naive fool just the same. An idealist like him could never manage to bring peace to the world. It takes someone like me, someone who will give up their own humanity. I took enough pain to the point where became something greater, a god of sorts. This is what you need to do if you wish to bring peace to the world. You're strong, I can tell that much, join me, help me bring pain to the world, help me show it the truth."

Naruto shook his head, "You just don't get it, it's like you never listen to a word Pervy-Sage said. He hated to see anyone in pain, that's what made him who he was. He played the fool for everyone so that they could be happy, he took on more pain than any man I've ever known. He lost his student, was turned down by the woman he loved, was betrayed by his best friend, but still his biggest concern was everyone else. If there were more people like that in the world, people who wanted nothing more than to end other's pain, we would have peace in no time. The answer to bringing peace to the world isn't putting through more pain, it's getting people to want to stop other pain."

Pain chuckled, "A nice dream, but a dream just the same. The thing about dreams," one of the paths, the one with spikes on his head, charged at Naruto, "they're meant to be broken."

Naruto didn't even flinched, the path was suddenly crushed by a rasengan. An orange hand that appeared to be pure chakra had come out of his back and destroyed the path before anyone could figure out it even happened. "You're gonna have to do a lot better than that if you want to beat me."

Pain couldn't help but be impressed, "Not bad, you've actually managed to take control of the Kyuubi's chakra."

Naruto sighed, "No, we're partners. He's working with me willingly. If you would actually take the time work with them you'd be surprised just how much like us they are."

One of the paths slammed her hands on the ground, "Summoning Jutsu." A massive dog appeared on the battlefield, "fine, let's see how the fox does against the dog."

Gamabunta and Gamaken jumped forward, "You go get the girl, this mutt will be childs play for us."

Naruto rushed forward past the dog, he made another sphere in his hand with the help of the chakra limbs. He lifted it in the air, "Rasenshuriken!"

It rushed towards the path, one to be intercepted by another and absorbed, "Come on gaki, you know better than that! If you want to use ninjutsu you've got to destroy that path first."

Naruto scowled, "Sorry, I'll have to," he didn't finish as the path he had previously destroyed was now attacking him once more, "what the hell?! I crushed you!"

Naruto jumped back and Pa jumped on his shoulder, "That fella in the back, the one they're all protecting, he can revive the other paths. If you want to beat these guys you have to destroy him."

Gamabunta yelled over, "And make it fast, this dog is getting to be a pain in the ass! Every Time you kill it, two more of them pop up!"

Naruto was thinking this was getting ridiculous, but he had a plan at least. He made some clones and threw some smoke bombs down. A Rasenshuriken flew out of the smoke at path in the back, only to be stopped by the absorbing path, "I thought the toad already told you, that won't work."

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