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All of the Kages had arrived except for Tsunade, which worried Naruto and Mei slightly. "Sweetie, do you think Tsunade's ok? She not usually late like this."

Naruto looked at the empty seat at the table, "I'm sure she's ok. Baachan isn't the type to go down easy, especially with Kakashi-sensei with her."

Just as Mei was about to respond Tsunade and Kakashi entered, looking a little torn up, "Sorry we're late everyone, thanks for waiting."

Naruto jumped up and ran over to her, "Holy crap, what happened?"

Tsunade went to her chair and took a deep breath, "We were attacked by Sasuke, he was after Danzo."

Naruto got nervous at the mention of his old friends name, "He was after Danzo? What happened to him?"

Kakashi sighed, "He killed him, to be honest we didn't really try to save him. Any injuries you see on us is from damage we took from afar. We've been trying to get Danzo for treason for a while now, and if Sasuke wanted to take that old war hawk out we've got no issue."

The other Kages nodded, Danzo was well known for his less than honorable tactics, he wasn't even liked in his own village. When it came to talks of peace, Danzo really wasn't the kind of person you wanted with you.

Naruto couldn't help but feel a little satisfied, "I know I shouldn't feel like it, but I'm kinda glad he's gone. The man was a monster."

A, the Raikage, stood up, "Well that's all well and good, but I think it's time we get this meeting started."

The all sat down and calmed themselves. It wasn't often the five Kages all gathered together, but when they did, it was big. This meeting was going to change the world, they all prayed it would change it for the better.

Sasuke stood at the meeting ground that Madara had instruct him to go to. Several toads were croaking around him, they loved the pond Sasuke was next to.

Madara finally showed up, "Danzo is dead, excellent. He's been a thorn in the Akatsuki's side for too long. Now we can move on to other matters. Speaking of which, you said you could perform all of Orochimaru's jutsu's, do you really mean ALL of them?"

Sasuke wasn't sure he liked where this was headed, "Yeah, every last one. I made sure to learn them all before I killed him and absorbed his powers. Why do you ask?"

Madara gave him a half hearted response, "I'm just having Kisame retrieve something for me, but it wouldn't be of much use if you couldn't perform a certain jutsu."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, what the hell was he talking about, "and that would be?"

Madara waved him off, "Don't ask so many questions, just know that he's swinging by an old base of mine in the Mist. I'll talk to you soon."

Madara used his teleportation jutsu and left Sasuke standing in the alone by the pond. He sighed, this really something he should be telling Naruto about. Just as he was thinking that one of the toads by the pond hopped over and nudged his hand. Sasuke was confused until he noticed the symbol for message on the toads back. He discreetly wrote a note and set it by the toad, who happily grabbed it and hopped out of sight and poofed away. Sasuke was laughing slightly in his head, Naruto was always one step ahead of him.

The summit wasn't going perfectly. Most of the nations were able to cooperate with one another, the Rock was the only one who was refusing for an all out alliance. "The only way I would be willing to join this is if someone capable was chosen as the leader of the alliance. We would need to have one person in charge of it, one person who could override everyone if need be." Onoki told them.

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