Chapter 2

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When she woke up the next morning she was alone, still wrapped up in his blanket. Just as she sat up, the Maid from yesterday walked in, waiting for Leyla to get out of bed. She whimpered in pain as she tried to move her legs. The Maid walked over looking somewhat sympathetic, helping her out of bed. "I see he has collared you already." She stated with a hint of surprise.

 Leyla lifted her hand up to her neck, looking down shamefully. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's a good thing. You must have done something right, but I should warn you, be careful around other female slaves."

 "Are you collared?" She asked quietly.

 "No, but I have a tattoo on my neck." She pulled the collar of her shirt away to show her the mark.

 She walked her over to the bathroom again, filling it up and urging her to sit in it again. Like yesterday she scrubbed every inch of her body, letting her stay in the bath for some time to relax her sore muscles.

 "Are there a lot like me?" She asked curiously.

 "There are three more, but... He doesn't have much interest in them." She answered somewhat hesitantly. Leyla just nodded in response not asking anymore.

 "Come on. Let's get you to your room." Leyla sighed standing up in the bath as she pulled the drain and rinsed her body one last time. "What's your name?" Asked Leyla.

 "Mary. Yours?" She responded smiling.

 "Leyla. Am I allowed to call you Mary?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "Of course. You're a higher rank than me."

 "How can someone like me have a higher rank than you? Isn't my duty to keep him satisfied?" She sighed. "I know what you're thinking Leyla, but women fight to wear that." She nodded, gesturing towards the collar. "What if I don't want this 'position'?" She argued sadly.

"Then you don't know what you're talking about." She stayed quiet afterwards and pulled the dress on. This time it was nude, almost matching her skin tone, reaching her knees.

 "He's really not as bad as you think. He's nice, but doesn't allow anyone to take advantage of him." She added after the brief silence. Leyla didn't answer, unsure of what else to say to her. 

 "Do I have to wear those?" She asked, glaring at the heels. Mary nodded, amused.

 She carefully stepped into the heels, taking a few steps around the bathroom to check if they were comfortable. "Hmm, not too bad." She grimaced.

 "Let's go. I think you will like your room." She gushed, clapping her hands together.

 She followed Mary out of the bathroom, keeping her head down. Her walk didn't last even last 15 seconds and they stood outside a mahogany door. Mary nodded at her to open the door and she did so slowly. Her mouth dropped open at the size of it, it was almost as big as her Master's room. Instead of a normal bed, she had a round bed, piled with soft pillows and a lacy curtain dmped around it.

 "Wow." She breathed. "Are you sure?"

 "Yes, Leyla. He is very happy with you.

 He spoke to me this morning." She smiled softly.

 "He is?" She asked blushing slightly, making Mary nod in response. After gawking at the room from the door way, she stepped in further towards the windows, where she had the view of his gardens. His Mansion was surrounded by a thick forest and she was itching to explore it.

 "You should have breakfast. It's getting cold."

 She turned around to see a tray filed with sliced seeded bread, butter, sliced chicken and fruits. Her stomach grumbled loudly at the sight of so much food. Mary giggled slightly and walked to the door.

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