Chapter 5

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Leyla refused to get out of the bathroom, he had come again ordering her to open the door. It had been two days since she stayed inside. She hadn't been fulfilling her duty to bring his breakfast, which meant that she hadn't been having her own.

It's not what she expected to happen after her period ended. She thought they would have breakfast like usual and then finally do what they had been waiting for. No one had ever laid a hand on her, not even her parents, yes they were strict, but they never hit her, not even to discipline her.

She heard more knocking on the door after a while and froze. “Leyla?”

It was Mary this time. “Open the door.”  she said gently. “N-no. he's with you. I-i won't.” she stuttered fearfully. Leyla managed to sneak out during the night and take her blanket to the bathroom, it was the only place where she was safe for now.  They wouldn't be able to get in unless she opened the door.

“He's not here. I promise.” she said. Leyla wasn't sure whether to believe her or not. She hesitantly unlocked the door peeking out. It was just her.

“What's wrong, Sweetheart?” asked Mary, pushing the door wider. “Mary he- he hit me.” she sobbed. The pain wasn't so bad on her behind anymore, but she could still feel it. “Leyla, he wouldn’t ever do anything without a good reason.” she frowned but Leyla shook her head.

“No. He doesn't care. He's a liar. I tried to tell him to stop, to let me explain, but he didn't listen.”

Mary's frown deepened. “Tell me Leyla. I’ll tell him what he did wrong.”

“It's too late.” she cried, wiping her face. She froze when she head the bedroom door open again. She had just caught a glimpse of his face, before slamming the door in Mary's face and locking the door hastily.

She could hear them talking quietly, but after a few minutes she heard the door slam shut.

She sat down again in the corner of the bathroom, wrapping her blanket around herself. “Leyla, please come out. You haven't eaten for three days.”

Leyla stopped responding to her. She wouldn't open the door no matter what, knowing he would punish her again for her defiance. She was already feeling light headed from hunger and thirst, but she felt too unsafe to come out. She knew she wouldn't last long, the only thing she had access to was tap water.

Michael could only feel his anger increasing. How dare she defy him so many times. He called a locksmith, SHe had been there for too many days and wasn’t responding any more. Mary tried her best to get her out, but she would just cry.

SHe couldn't be that afraid of him, it was just a punishment.

He waited patiently for the locksmith to open the door.

“Done, Sir.” The locksmith moved out of the way quickly as Michael opened the door in a hurry. Just for that moment he felt his anger vanishing. Her body was sprawled over the floor. He rushed over to her quickly, lifting her to his arms. He didn't waste another minute and ordered for the Doctor to come and check on her.

He placed her on her bed and waited for the doctor to arrive and as soon as he did, he checked up on her. “She's weak due to dehydration and starvation. She should gain consciousness in a few hours. When she wakes up, make sure to feed her a little bit. If she eats too much at once , she will become sick.”

Michael nodded, keeping her eyes on Leyla. Once the doctor left he walked over to her, stroking her cheek gently. Her skin felt cold against her hand and sighed, shaking her head. He had to make sure she wouldn't run from him again.

Leyla gained consciousness after a few hours, still weak. She opened her eyes drowsily, the bright lights made her flinch with pain. She looked down to see herself covered with a thick blanket covering her body and weird tubes attached to her hand.

That's when she realized she wasn't safe in the bathroom anymore, he got her out.

Tears filled her eyes as she realized that she was going to be in more trouble than before. He would hit her again.

Now more than ever, she wanted to go back home. Her mind was still fuzzy whenever she tried to remember how she got here. She knew for sure she was still in the same country, but unsure of where exactly she was. Most of the time after she was taken away she remained sedated and if she tried to ask anything she would be threatened with violence.

She had to get out of here.

But just as that thought crossed her mind the door to her room opened. Leyla quickly looked towards it alarmed, praying that it wouldn't be Michael.

“Leyla! Thank god you're fine.” Said sweet voice. Mary walked towards her holding a tray. She remained quiet as she approached her, settling down beside her.

“I'll call the doctor, Master Michael will be very relieved to know you're awake.”

Leyla tensed at the mention of his name. “No! Don't tell him” She panicked and attempted to sit up, but couldn't move. “I have to tell him, Leyla. He's been worried about you.” She frowned sadly, but Leyla continued to shake her head at her.

“He will hurt me again.” she cried, beginning to feel lightheaded again. “Okay, okay. I won't tell him. Please calm down.” said Mary reassuringly.

“I have to call the doctor though. He has to take the needles out. Master Michael will come and see you tonight. Try to sleep before that.” Leyla nodded understanding what she was saying. Her body felt too heavy, but she waited  for Mary to leave before getting up.

Just as she was about to move her blanket she remembered the IV needles in her hand. Mary came back a moment later with an older man.
Leyla listened to the doctor as he advised her how to get back to full health, not caring much for his words. She knew once she was better she would have to go back to serving Michael, however he wanted to.

She didn't say anything as both of them left and carefully moved her duvet off her body.

“No, no, no!” she cried out in despair. She saw the cuff around her ankle. She was bound to her bed. Tears filled her eyes again. He was going to hold her captive in this room. She stood up defeatedly and walked to the bathroom hearing the chain dragging behind her along the floor, she stifled realizing she wouldn't even be able to close the door. She had no privacy anymore. Once she finished using the toilet, she walked back to her bed laying down on her side, feeling warm tears sliding down her face.

All she could feel towards him was hatred at this point. Her heart throbbed painfully. He couldn't do this to her. Her heart jumped at the sound of the door opening and she closed her eyes hastily, pretending to be asleep. She heard his footsteps get closer to her bed and stayed still as she possibly could.

Michael stared at her as she slept, noticing the wetness on her cheeks. He couldn't understand why she was upset, but still her tears stirred something in his heart which made him frown. He gently wiped her tears off with his thumb, leaning down to press a kiss on her forehead. Leyla almost made a sound of fear, but controlled herself just in time.

She felt him move away and soon leave her room, shutting the door after himself. She waited another couple of minutes to make sure that he wasn't trying to trick her and slowly opened her eyes, glancing at the door and sighing with relief. She rubbed her palm over her forehead, removing the lingering sensation of the kiss.

He couldn't just kiss her to make her feel better. She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around herself. She wasn't going to be obedient to an unjust owner. She wont let him use her, or touch her like that again. She knew she did everything in her power to stay obedient, even though it wasn't in her nature. Regardless, she wasn't going to allow him to oppress her any longer.

It was time to fight back.

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