Chapter 8

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He left her again, but unbound. He made sure to leave her clothes, more styles than she had ever seen, but also left her collar, he would be pleased if she wore it, but again left it as a choice.

It took her wounds a few days to heal, but it felt easier to walk.

Leyla woke up slowly, her tired eyes adjusting her surroundings. She felt odd and out of place. She threw the rest of the blanket off her body and walked into the bathroom, heading straight to the bathtub and turning the knobs.

After spending longer than ever, cleansing herself, she walked out with a soft towel and wrapped around her body.

She opened the cupboard, her eyes widening at the range of dresses inside them, all in her size. She pulled out a soft pink chiffon, which fell below her knees. she dries herself thoroughly, before carefully pulling the soft material over herself and zipping herself up. She looked in the mirror at her dull skin, which once glowed healthily. She sighed softly, and dried her hair, pinning it into a loose messy bun, letting a few strands of her frame the side of her face.

She looked down at the dressing table to see a velvet box with her name on it. She opened it to see his collar in it, reminding her again that she belonged to him. She wanted to throw it away, burn it, but at the same time she feared her life in his home, she'd rather her master claim, than another man in his home.

She walked out barefoot, not wanting to go through the pain of weaning uncomfortable shoes. She walked down to the dining area, to see him seated and eating. Her stomach grumbled loudly, but she refused to eat, not until she got what she wanted, even if it meant she would lose her life. She turned away, walking to wherever, not wanting to go near him. "Leyla."

She felt her breath get caught in her throat as she slowly turned around looking him in the eyes. His dark blue eye, took in her dress and stopped at her collar, she could see she pleased him, part of her felt joyous, but she reminded herself it was for her safety. She walked up to him, keeping her face hard. "Yes."

"Sit down and eat." He ordered, continuing to eat, cutting the juicy steak. "I will not." she argued, crossing her arms. The other servants were stunned by her public defiance, but continued to do their work. "You will at once. Or I will strip you in front of everyone." he stated calmly. Her eyes widened with fear, he was forcing her again. She pulled out a chair and sat down beside him, crossing her arms again, looking away as another servant filled her plate up. "Start eating. I have a lot to talk about with you."

She looked at him hesitantly, his face was giving away nothing, maybe he was going to give her away to someone else, but that thought terrified her. He gave her another warning look and she picked up her fork, poking her lightly seasoned vegetables and taking a small bite of it. He watched her take her first bite after five days of arguin, relieved that she had listened. He would've never stripped her in front of anyone, but the mere threat was enough.

"I'm pleased to see you wearing my collar." he stated, his blue eyes seemed to sparkle, watching her blush coming to the surface. "I don't trust your men." she responded quietly. "And me?" he asked curiously.

"No. I have chosen the lesser evil." She answered, making him frown. He continued eating and waited for her to eat a sufficient amount of food. Leyla was too curious and nervous to eat too much.

"I have decided to..." she held her breath. "Give you your freedom back." She watched him with wide eyes. "You are free to dress however you want, walk wherever you want, but can not leave the premises. If you want to go to the gardens you must go with me. You will sleep in the same bed as me, but I will not touch you. It's your choice to wear the collar. My only conditions are; you are to have three timely meals, sleep on time, and share your problems with only me. Do you agree?" he asked, leaning back in his chair. Leyla was at loss of words, she thought he was going to get rid of her. "Why?" She whispered. He stayed silent and watched as her eyes glazed over. "I have come to understand you a little more and I'm willing to be more liberal, only for you."

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