|| chapter 3 ||

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thank you for the comments it rly makes me happy :)) I'm trying to pump out as much as possible but im a huge procrastinator but don't worry I won't stop halfway through ill at least finish the space arc!


     Loud bangs erupted and the ship shook from the force of the impact. "Those ships!" Leo exclaimed, "They're Triceraton!" Raph piped in, "No kidding!" he sarcastically spat before another attack rattled the ship, "And there's, like, a gajillion of them!" he panicked. "Professor, what do we do?" Donnie desperately yelled and Fugitoid hesitated for a moment before speaking with a determined face, "We take evasive action." When the Professor spoke like that you know shit was about to go down.

     "I think we're almost out of this." April hoped but it seems she spoke too soon. A blast struck the main thrusters and made the the ship spiral out of control. "Or not!" Casey sarcastically spat earning a glare from the redhead. "I recommend we take plunging into the lethal, crushing gravity of that gas giant philosophically." Fugitoid suggested and if you weren't plunging to your deaths you would've had a giggle fit. "What is that supposed to mean?" Donnie hystarically screamed-- the professor responded "It means were all gonna die!" 

     The ship continued to spin and shake, throwing everyone all around. The professor stretched out in an attempt to not only secure himself, but everyone else too. April began to fly around the room after loosing grip on her station, but Donnie was quick to help her and himself by latching onto the professor. It seems they were the only successful ones however, since Raph lost his grip too and flew forward only to be stopped by the front screen which cracked under the impact. "I hate space. I hate it. I really do." he seethed as the ship continued down. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but note a peculiarly loud thud, surely too loud for a laser blast. 

     Your thoughts were cut off when you lost your grip, panic numbed your whole body as you reached for anything you could. However, it was too late. You ran into a solid force and hit your head before everything went black. 

     "..(-n).." ouch "..(y-)" where were you? "..yn)..!" why aren't you dead? you vaguely recall dying "(y/n!)" or not. Your vision slowly adjusted and saw the professor as well as Donnie leaning into your sight. After blinking a few times, you asked "Did we die?" They both breathed a sigh of relief and the Professor answered you. "No my dear, everyone's ok. Though you did take a nasty bump to the head. Lost you for a moment there." he explained. You tried sitting up but only got pushed back down by Donnie. "It's not a super idea to get up right now. You could still be in shock." You decided to listen rather than to go through the hassle of starting an argument. "Where's everyone else?" you inquired, looking around you realized you three were the only ones in here.

     "I told them to suit up so we can do damage assessment. We've crash landed on the third moon of Thalos." You recall reading about it in an article called 'Top 10 Coldest Places in Sector 14', though your head was too fuzzy to remember much right now. The Professor continued, "I figured I would wait until you woke up to take care of everyone else and Donatello offered to stay and help. Isn't that just lovely?" he looked at Donnie who had a red tinted face. "A-ah w-we-well its n-not a super b-big deal, ahehe." he nervously stuttered and chuckled in attempts to relieve some embarrassment. His flustered actions amused you, it was just too cute.

     "It is. Thank you for caring for my well-being, Donnie. It's very sweet of you." you told him honestly while giving him a smile. This caused his face to light up like a red Christmas tree, chuckling bashfully and muttering how it 'really wasn't a big deal'. Even Fugitoid giggled at him. "Alright dear, let's check your head. Damage assessment might not be right for you right now." you slowly began to sit up with help from both the guys. "Lean against Donatello and I'll run a retina test. Won't take a moment."

hiraeth ||tmntxreader||Where stories live. Discover now