|| chapter 4 ||

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sorry this took so long to publish ive been applying for community colleges for my senior year and I still need to pick courses :p boring but its after work and I feel guilty for not making this so here <3 


     Everyone screamed as huge ice pieces fell directly onto you all, leaving the Salamandians outside before they retreated to find the irriluim...

     The ice shifts around before Fugitoid poked his head out of the giant ice pile, miraculously undamaged. "No need to worry! Only a minor inconvenience." he bubbled while effortlessly tossing ice left and right. Eventually he dug down far enough so that everyone could also climb out while he continued tossing ice over his shoulders. "Ugh. We keep getting our shells handed to us." Mikey groaned but Leo only worriedly checked his vitals, "We got to keep going. Not much heat left. Come on!" he urged. "Wait, wait, wait, Leonardo." Fugitoid called as he pulled you out of the ice, blood still splattered on your helmet. "My dear, I really think you should turn around. This is clearly getting life threatening." he advised while setting you to rest against the ice chunks.

     "No, Leo's right, we need to continue." you insisted but Fugitoid still wore a concerned face. "I won't have it, you need to get back to safety immediatly! This could be dangerous." Fugiotid pleaded with you. Mikey came to sit by your side, "I think he's right, dude. I mean what if the Newtralizers come back? You're toast!" To be honest you only followed about 80% of that. Why would you become toast? You chalked it up to be another Mikey term. "There's no time. We're guaranteed to freeze to death if we turn around now." you argued while standing up which clearly caused Fugitoid to panic. "At least let me run an MRI to make sure you're not about to drop dead on us." 

     Fugitoid pressed a button on the side of your helmet and the glass was cleaned, thank goodness for your upgrades. He grabbed the sides of your helmet and began whirring, "Aaaand, scan complete!" he cheered after about 5 seconds. "Well looks like you won't, in fact, drop dead but we'll need to delve deeper into this once we get the ship running again." Fugitoid explained and everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Lets get going, then." Leo urged again and we all continued on. 

     As you all walked along a slippery ice peak, April spoke up, "I've been thinking, I bet those Salamandrians are after the irelium, too." she was cut off by Fugitoid pushing her forward into Donnie and continuing to push them faster. "Another reason to hurry, people." You watched from beside Casey before Raph started talking, "Hey, Casey. Do you think a turtle can, like, date a newt?" he awkwardly mumbled and Casey began flipping out and picking on him before Raph began to desperately defend himself. "I mean, you know, maybe, um, these Salamandians aren't so bad." You thought for a moment, "Scientifically, I suppose a Terrapin turtle could date a Salamandrian. Genetic and biological factors are compatible after all." Raph seemed to light up at this, "Really? You think so?" he bubbled. You nodded, "Terrans are compatible with many outworldly species, Salamandrians included. Though you may have a hard time winning over her favor." His chipper attitude faded a bit.

     "But why?" he inquired and you couldn't help but feel a bit bad. "Salamandians are often more loyal to their commanding officers than to their partners. In fact ,its rare for Salamandrians to fall in love because of their dedication to battle." you explained as he deflated and muttered a defeated 'oh'. You felt bad, 'did I really have to be so harsh?' you scolded yourself. You walked around a still hysterically laughing Casey and patted his shoulder and he looked at you, "I'm sure you'll find a way to win her favor. You're a charming guy after all, don't worry too much." You comforted. A blush slowly spread across his face before he began to mutter confirmations and watched as you walked on. 

hiraeth ||tmntxreader||Where stories live. Discover now