At the 12th Precinct

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Kate Beckett's POV

NYPD 12th Precinct, Manhattan, New York City

This case is somewhat strange. The victim is actually a real NYPD police officer, but he is armed with some kind of laser gun we have never seen before. But it still raises some questions though, why is he armed with a functioning laser gun and what happened to him?

At the precinct, me along with Castle briefed Captain Gates about our victim and the weapon that he is armed with.

"So, I take it that our victim is one of us?" She asked both of us.

"Yes, sir. But the thing is, he is armed with some kind of laser pistol which we have never seen it before and we still do not have any idea what he is doing in East Harlem though." I replied.

"Did you said that our victim is armed with a laser pistol?!" She asked us.

"Well, yes." Castle replied. "I just confirmed it by firing it at the window in which it went through it."

"Okay let me get this straight, our victim is carrying what you are saying is a 'real' laser gun?" She asked us.

"Yes sir." I replied.

"All right, you keep working on why is he carrying a laser gun." She told us. "In the meantime, I'll get in touch with the captain of the 107th to find out what our victim is doing in East Harlem." She said and then left.


"Hey Esposito, did you find out from David's partners and friends at the 107th as to why he is armed with a laser gun?" I asked Esposito when he approaches us at the murder board that contains details of the case.

"I asked everyone who has been partnered with David and according to them, they do not have a clue as to why he is armed with a laser gun." Esposito said.

"There's got to be a reason as to why he has a laser gun and why he is in East Harlem." I said.

"What about his friends outside his work and his family, they must know?" Castle suggested.

"You know what, that may be a great idea." I said. "Let's interview his friends outside his precinct and his wife, they must know why he has a laser gun. And also let's check again with his partners and friends at the 107th, they must know something that we don't."

"On it." Espo said.


We interviewed all his partners and friends inside the 107th Precinct again, they still do not know where he got the laser gun. But one of his friends, an officer named Tyke who was buddies with him knew something that can shed some light. So Castle and I decided to ask him at the precinct's lounge.

"So how long have you known David, officer Tyke?" I asked him at the lounge, as he drank the coffee I gave him.

"Since he joined our precinct five years ago, I guess?" Officer Tyke replied, putting down his cup on the table.

"Did you know that he was carrying a laser gun with him?" Castle asked him.

"No, I don't." Officer Tyke replied.

"Did David had any enemies or had any trouble?" I asked officer Tyke.

"No, he was a straight-up guy. All of us liked him, even the criminals feared him because he forced them to confess to the truth." He said.

"Do you know if he had any financial troubles?" Castle asked officer Tyke in which he is puzzled.

"No, I was kinda closer to him." He said. "He never told me that he had any financial troubles."

"Was there anyone new in his life? Maybe a girlfriend?" I asked him.

"Look, Detective. He is a married man and a great guy, but I'm afraid I can't help you since I have to go for my patrol. But thanks for the coffee anyway." He said as he stood up to leave, but not before he remembered something.

"Hold on, you said that David has a laser gun with him when he was killed?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why?" I asked officer Tyke.

"You know, maybe it has something to do with those phone calls he had been making 5 weeks ago." He mentioned.

"What phone calls?" Castle asked him.

"You see, I noticed that he had been calling someone five weeks ago." Officer Tyke said and then he explained in detail on what he witnessed. "I-I first noticed him calling someone on his phone when I sat next to him at lunch. Then the other day, I saw him talking to that same person on the phone in the locker room and a couple of days ago, I don't recall but I noticed him talking on the phone right after the mandatory briefing at the briefing room."

"Did you find out who he was talking to?" I asked him.

"I have no idea." Officer Tyke said. "But I remember him saying weird stuff like, 'Are there any villains in your neighbourhood?', 'How are you and your family doing?', 'Are you safe, I am just doing a routine check on you.' and stuff like that."

We looked at each other in shock. David was talking to someone on his cell phone, but who is he talking to?


"So it seems that David was talking to someone five weeks before he was murdered." I said, while updating the murder board.

"But that dosen't make any sense, why the hell was he calling someone suspiciously every day for the past five weeks?" Esposito wondered.

"Well, that phone call might have something to do with his death." Castle said. "We need to figure out who he was on the phone with."

"Well easier said than done, I just got David's phone records and it looks like it confirms officer Tyke's suspicions." Ryan said, holding David's cell phone records.

"What did you find?" I asked Ryan.

"According to his phone records, he made a few calls to the same number every day for the past five weeks and two days before he was murdered." Ryan said.

"Did you find out who the number belongs to?" I asked him.

"Yes I did. I got the details of the number here." Ryan replied, holding the paper containing the details of the last person David was talking to on his hand. "It is registered to a Hank Thunderman who lives in-" He said as he was looking at the details on the paper in which he became puzzled. "Hold on, this can't be right." He said.

I looked at him puzzled. "Ryan what is it, where does this guy live?" I asked Ryan as he blinked and rubbed his eyes.

"Bro, give me that!" Espo said to him as he yanks the paper from his hands. He too scans the paper in which he is puzzled. "What the hell?!" He said.

"What?" I along with Castle said in frustrated unison.

"This guy lives in... Hiddenville, which is outside our jurisdiction." Ryan replied in which I was shocked.

"I'm sorry, did you say Hiddenville? That Hiddenville? The city of 1,000 parks?" Castle asked him in which Ryan replied.

"Yeah, that Hiddenville." Ryan said.

"I'm sorry. What?!" I said to Ryan.

"Wow! This case is somewhat very....weird and interesting." Castle said in which he and I were shocked, why was our victim calling this person who was living in Hiddenville? A city that is far away from Manhattan?

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