Meeting The Thundermans

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Third Person POV

The Thundermans' Home, Hiddenville

Before Beckett and Castle arrived at The Thundermans' home, there was something happening that not only shocks Phoebe but the entire Thundermans Family as well.

A knock came on the door and Phoebe answered it. It was Cherry, her best friend.

She told Phoebe that she needed help because she has gotten two dates for them and she needed her expertise. Phoebe agreed and Cherry told her to meet and Wong's Pizza Palace where it's happening. Which is where Castle and Beckett were earlier.

Later, Nora walks into the kitchen through the back door with a huge house that has a picture of a dollhouse on it.

"Hey dad, will you put together my dollhouse today?" She asks her dad. "It's only 500 hundred pieces."

"Huh, I can think of 500 reasons on why I don't want to." Hank Thunderman said to Nora.

"Please daddy? For me?" Nora begged her father using her puppy dog eyes.

Hank finally gave in to her daughter. "Aw, how can I say 'No' to my baby girl?" Hank said as he kissed Nora's forehead and took the dollhouse from her.

"How'd you do that?" Her brother, Billy asked her.

"Cuteness is my other superpower." She said, smiling.

Barb Thunderman later emerged, smiling from ear to ear.

"Isn't it a beautiful morning? The sun is shining, the birds are singing." She said as she reached for the coffee maker, but ended up shocking it with her electricity.

"Mom's nuking the coffee maker." Max said, as he is confused.

"Are you feeling okay, Barb?" Hank asked his wife.

"Yeah, just a weird little power surge." She said as she shrugged and went to the toaster.

"I Guess I'll have some toast instead." She said, but as she reached the toaster, the same exact thing happened.

"And there goes the toaster." Max said.

"Why is mom destroying the kitchen?" Phoebe asks as she walks into the kitchen.

"I'm probably just coming down with a cold." Barb guessed.

"Let's do a quick body scan just to be sure." Hank suggested as both Billy, Nora, Phoebe and Max went to the living room.


Hank activates the Thunder Monitor and it scans Barb as the rest of the family waited for the results.

"Is mom okay, dad?" Billy asked his father, worried.

"Of course she is, Billy." Hank said to him. "There are three explanations for why your mother is getting power surges: A simple head cold, A distrubance in the stratosphere or-" But the Thunder Monitor has the answer to the third explanation.

"Congratulations! Barb Thunderman is pregnant!" It said, after the scan, showing the diagnosis.

They all stared at the Thunder Montior in shock. Phoebe and Max both glanced at one another with shock and excitement.

However, Hank is so shocked that he fainted.

"And Hank Thunderman has passed out." The Thunder Monitor said.


Moments later, Hank Thunderman woke up from the shock that his wife is pregnant.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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