At Hiddenville

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Kate Beckett's POV

Hiddenville, The next day

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking." The captain said over the aircraft's Passenger Address (PA) System as the plane enters Hiddenville's airspace. "We will soon be landing at Hiddenville Domestic Airport, please make sure your seats are in the current position, your tray-tables are upright and your seatbealts are fasten. Please also switch off any electronic devices during landing, thank you."

I think it was 2 hours later that everyone got their tray-tables stowed away and their seats upright. Castle and I had our seatbelts fasten throughout the entire flight. From my window, I can see Hiddenville in the sight of my eyes as the sun rises.

As the plane touched the runway, I can see from the window on my seat the HIDDENVILLE AIRPORT sign on the terminal building. The terminal building is a four-storey building with some airplanes parked at the terminal that has 30 jet-bridges on the second floor, for only domestic flights.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hiddenville." The captain said over the PA System, as our aircraft taxis to the terminal. "We have landed at Hiddenville Domestic Airport. The time right now in Hiddenville is 7:59am in the morning, we would like all of you to know that the temperature here is similar to New York which is 10°C and that to citizens of Hiddenville, welcome home."

"On behalf of myself and the entire flight crew, thank you for flying with JetBlue Airways, we wish you a pleasant stay in Hiddenville and we hope to see you soon." The captain said.

The plane arrived at the assigned gate and after the jet-bridge connected our plane, the doors open and passengers started grabbing their carry-on items and later disembarking from the plane.

We grabbed our carry-on bags and exited the plane, as we walked to the arrival hall, we were greeted with a sign that says: WELCOME TO HIDDENVILLE, THE CITY OF 1,000 PARKS! WE HOPE YOU HAVE A PLEASANT FLIGHT! The arrival hall is located one floor down, in which we took and escalator down. After exiting the arrival hall, we saw some people waiting to meet loved ones or friends and some people holding a sign that offers taxi rides to arriving passengers, but me and Castle have already planned what we need to do when we arrive in Hiddenville.

The first step is to rent a car for a couple of hours, and the next step is to talk to Mrs. Olympia Wong at Wong's Pizza Palace as to what David did when he was there. We may also need to find a hotel in case we need to stay for the night, luckily there is a hotel near the airport.


We went to a car-rental kiosk where I requested to rent a car for a couple of hours, I had to display my driver's license and it costs only $139. Luckily, Castle paid it for me in credit card.

We went outside of the airport terminal where the temperature is just like New York, which is 10°C. We were outside to wait for our rental car that will be bought in by one of the kiosk staff.

As we waited, my phone rang. It was Esposito calling from the 12th Precinct back home.

I put the phone on speaker. "Beckett."

"Hey guys, how was the flight?" Espo said, from New York.

"It was quite okay, Espo." I said. "You found something?"

"As a matter of fact, I did." Espo said. "I just scrubbed survelliance footage from the camera of a laundromat 2 miles from the alleyway where David was murdered."

"What did you found?" I asked Espo over the phone.

"It looks like two hours before he was killed, David was being followed into the crime scene by someone." Espo said.

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