Beckett's encounter with 'Thunder Man'

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Kate Beckett's POV

Onboard JetBlue Airways Flight 929 to Hiddenville, 36,000 feet (Cruising Altitude)

As the plane reaches it's cruising altitude of 36,000 feet, the captain got onto the Passenger Announcement (PA) System and introduced himself. He told us that we have reached our cruising altitude and that the seatbelt sign has been turned-off so that we are free to roam around the cabin.

A few minutes later, I saw Castle sleeping on his seat and I decided to take a look again at the case file. After reviewing it again, I also decided to get some sleep because we will be landing at Hiddenville in the morning.

I covered myself with the blanket provided with my seatbelt fastened and placed the pillow that was also provided on the window. After placing my head on the pillow, I closed my eyes and I went to sleep.

As I was sleeping, I started having a dream where I was still a patrol officer and for some reasons I met 'Thunder Man' and 'Electress'. That name 'Thunder Man' kinda triggered something in my brain back at the precinct, and now I am dreaming about that day. I realized that what I was dreaming is not a dream, but a memory.


Third Person POV

Kate Beckett's Dream

Somewhere in Manhattan, New York City

2002, Twelve years ago (Right before Season 1 and Season 7 of Castle)

It was the year 2002, a year after September 11, 2001. Beckett was still a patrol officer at that time, she was in a patrol car and she was seated in the passenger seat. Driving the patrol car was Mike Royce, her training officer and they were driving on a road in Manhattan when Beckett sees something at an electronics store not far from her.

She informs Mike and he sees it too. He stops the car near the store and just as Royce was alerting dispatch about it, Beckett decides to check out the situation. Mike Royce tries to tell Beckett to get back to the car and wait for backup, but she already looked at the window and saw what was happening.

There was a robbery happening at that store. She sees that the robber is the supervillain known as 'Professor Meteor'. He is known to have an admiration for meteors and his admiration is even on his villain outfit, his plans involve meteors in which he threatens the owner by sending meteors to destory the store if he does not give him all the TVs.

As the owner finished filling the sack with TVs, Beckett takes out her gun and dashes into the store. She points the gun at Professor Meteor, who is preparing to leave with all of the stolen TVs.

"POLICE, HANDS IN THE AIR NOW!" Beckett shouted with her gun pointed at Professor Meteor.

He turned around and sees a female police officer pointing a gun at him, seems like his plan has changed.

"Hey Lady!" Professor Meteor shouted to Beckett. "Why don't you put the gun down or I will send meteors to this store!"

"Get down on the ground now, or I will shoot!" Beckett shouted.

"All right." Professor Meteor said, but he had a trick up his sleeve. "But you have to catch me first!" He said, throwing the sack full of TVs at Beckett which causes her to fall to the ground.

Professor Meteor dashed out of the store, with Beckett pulling herself up and chasing after him. After a couple of miles, she sees Professor Meteor ducking into an alleyway so she went after him but he disappeared so she looks around finding him with her gun. But it turns out to be a trap by Professor Meteor.

As soon as Beckett turns around, Professor Meteor jumps out and blocks the exits with two meteors. Beckett turns around to see Professor Meteor and points her gun at him.

But she is unaware that he has Gravity Blast. Because as soon as Beckett pointed her gun at him, he ripped it out of her hands and then blasts her to a wall.

"It's time for your death, by a meteor!" Professor Meteor said to Beckett, who is now pinned to the wall by the gravity blast. Beckett realized that she is going to die, just like her mother Johanna Beckett when she was 19 years old.

Just as Professor Meteor was about to send a meteor to destroy Kate Beckett. Hank and Barb Thunderman, also known as 'Thunder Man' and 'Electress', who are still living in Metroburg, showed up. They took him out and that it is their Thundreth Save, with Beckett witnessing it. They later helped Beckett down who is now free from Professor Meteor's Gravity Blast.

"Thank you so much for saving me!" Beckett said to Hank and Barb.

"Don't mention it, officer." Barb said to Beckett. "You know, you shouldn't be in areas like this when there are villains roaming around."

"I totally understand." Beckett said.

"Speaking of which, what is your name, officer ma'am?" Hank asks Beckett.

"My name is Katherine. Katherine Houghton Beckett." She said to them. "But you can call me 'Kate' or 'Kate Beckett' for short."

"Well Miss Beckett, you have yourself a nice day." Hank said as Barb hugged him.

"Thunderman, AWAY!!" Hank shouted and he along with Barb flew to the sky with Beckett looking at them.

"Beckett, you're alright?" Mike Royce said, as soon as he showed up with backup. "What happened?"

The uniformed officers take Professor Meteor away where he will be handed over to the Hero League. Beckett dosen't know what to say, but she will remember the name 'Thunder Man' for many years until now.

"Beckett? Beckett, are you awake?" Royce asked her. "Beckett? Beckett, wake up!" He shouted, but in reality it was Castle who was trying to wake her up.


Kate Beckett's POV

Onboard JetBlue Airways Flight 929 to Hiddenville, 36,000 feet (Cruising Altitude)

"Beckett?" A voice can be heard through my head. "Beckett, wake up!"

I woke up to Castle looking at me. I think I've slept for five or six hours, in which I believed I've must have dreamt about that day.

"Castle?" I asked him. "What happened?"

"You were asleep and then you've started dreaming in which I believe you've had nightmares." He told me.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked him.

"You've been asleep for four hours." Castle said to me.

"Oh." I said, realizing I have slept for four hours.

"Anyway, I've ordered breakfast already." Castle told me. "I've gotten your breakfast already, some eggs and bacon and my breakfast which is pancakes."

"How did you ordered our breakfast." I asked him. "Was it through the app before we boarded or just a normal in-flight menu?"

"Nope." He told me. "It was through the LED In-Flight Entertainment Touchscreen, it was quite simple and intuitive."

One hour later, Breakfast Service began and we got our breakfast on our tray-tables complete with a cups of coffee and orange juice.

After finishing our breakfast in which the flight attendant cleared our tray-tables, I went to use the lavatory for a while where I washed my face and put on make-up and then returned to my seat.

In a couple of hours, Castle and I will arrive in Hiddenville and hopefully, we can figure out what our victim had been doing there three weeks before he was murdered.

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