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She finally noticed more than Ashton.

She noticed how Mallory always wore long sleeved shirts before.

She noticed why she never heard girls talk badly about Ashton.

She remembers that one time when Julianne's nudes had leaked around school. She didn't actually see them, but she didn't know who released them either.

After four months of therapy, Aurora finally realized that Ashton was never the one for her.

Sure, he was cute. Sure, he knew how to play with girls and look nice and act sweet and romantic. But he also knew how to use them.

The girls who used to date Ashton came up to her and thanked her. For being braver than they were, and for putting him in his rightful place. Aurora just smiled and said it was no problem.

But it was a problem. Aurora missed Ashton like crazy. One day, her therapist recommended that the final healing step was to face Ashton once again. Aurora didn't know if she was ready.

She visited the juvenile detention center on a Saturday afternoon. Her mother was with her and she was in the waiting area when Ashton appeared from the door.

He hadn't changed that much. He hadn't shaved in a while and his stubble was growing longer. His eyes had lost some of its spark but they were still hazel. His hair had grown long and uncontrollable.

When Ashton saw Aurora, his eyes lit up, but hers didn't. She just liked looking at him.

When Ashton sat in front of Aurora, he observed her closely. He said her name. Aurora said his name back.

He told her he loved her.

Aurora shook her head, refusing to believe his lies again. She had moved on. This is what the therapy was for.

But somewhere deep down, both of them knew that she secretly loved him too.

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