Chapter Eleven: Shopping

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You sing and dance excitedly on your bed, singing, "Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight~"

Suddenly, your mother strikes you with a rolling pin, causing you to fall off the bed.

"Why are you hitting me, Mom?" you groan.

Your mother shouts, "Can you stop singing songs in your ugly voice? The whole house is shaking!"

You dramatically act sad and say, "You will see one day when I am not in this house anymore."

Your mother responds with a sarcastic tone, "So, you're saying you're going to die? Is that what I'm hearing?"

You quickly clarify, "No, eomma, I meant my wedding when I'll move to Jin's house!"

A blush spreads across your cheeks as your mother smacks your arm.

She scolds you, "Go and wash the clothes. Jin won't let you stay in his house like this!"

You pout and reluctantly start washing the clothes.

Taehyung is seated with his mother in the hallway, and he begins complaining, "Mom, it's been a month, and Dad's still here!"

His mother replies, "You're right! Taehyung, go call Jin!"

Taehyung nods and leaves to summon Jin, barging into his room and informing him, "Mom is calling for you."

Jin asks, "Why?"

Taehyung lies, "I don't know."

Jin follows Taehyung out, and they reach the hallway where Taehyung sits beside his mother, starting to massage her head.

His mother commands Jin, "Call your dad now."

Jin inquires, "What?"

Taehyung chimes in, still massaging his mother's temples, "We know you have his number now. Call him."

Jin tries to protest, "Mom, but..."

His mother interrupts, firmly stating, "Call him. Now."

With a reluctant sigh, Jin takes his phone from his pocket and dials his father's number.

Taehyung urges, "Put it on speaker."

Jin puts the call on speaker. His father answers, "Hello."

Jin greets him, "Hello."

His father responds, "Why did you call?".

Jin glances at them and gulps, and his father advises, "Don't tell them anything, especially not about the vacation."

Both his mother and Taehyung grind their teeth in irritation.

His father exclaims, "After so many years, I'm finally on vacation!"

Both his mother and Taehyung seethe in anger as his father continues, "I have to go somewhere. I'll call you later."

His father hangs up the call, and his mother huffs, "Let him come back."

Taehyung chimes in, "Yes."

Jin sighs and leaves the hallway.

Taehyung complains to his mother, "Mom, look, he's having the time of his life in Canada."

His mother interrupts, firmly stating, "Let him enjoy as much as he wants because when he returns, he won't be able to."

She sighs, her expression laced with a mix of irritation and resignation.

Taehyung agrees, "Yes, mom, don't give him any peace."

His mother reassures him, "Don't worry, I won't."

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