Chapter Eighteen: Freaking Wife

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You reply obediently, declaring Taehyung handsome and declaring yourself his slave and him the king.

He grins wider, refusing to release you from his grip.

"N-now leave me," you stutter, attempting to appeal to him with puppy eyes.

He raises his sleeve, revealing the burn mark you had previously inflicted upon him.

"You will pay for this now," he mumbles, his voice low.

"So what should I do? You were the one who was staring at me," you retort.

He pressed the knife harder against you, causing discomfort.

"YEAH, ASSHOLE! I CAN EVEN DIE," You yell, desperation and fear evident in your voice.

He doesn't flinch, his grip remaining unwavering, and he continues to laugh at you.

"Look at your ugly face," He laughs, his amusement escalating.

You push him away forcefully, the knife plummeting from his grip. You seize the opportunity and clutch it in your hand.

"I won't leave you!" you declare as you pursue him. He attempts to elude you, urgently making his escape.

His eyes widen with a hint of fear as he finds himself backed against the edge of the pool. He can't back any further.

You glare at him, positioning the knife against his throat.

"Give me the jacket," you demand.

"No, it's my expensive jacket," he resists.

However, your insistence intensifies, and under the threat of your force, he reluctantly relents, removing the jacket.

You snatch it from him, and with no mercy, you begin tearing it apart with the knife, right before his very eyes.
You brandish the torn remnants of his prized jacket before discarding it into the trash bin, right in front of him.

A gasp escapes your lips as he effortlessly lifts you off the ground, holding you in his arms.

Your petite frame is dwarfed by his as you look up at him in shock. You watch silently as he dips his toe into the water to assess the temperature.

"It's cold good luck, ugly," he taunts, before tossing you into the chilling abyss of the pool.

You emerge from the water, pushing your hair away from your face, and he whistles nonchalantly, walking away, leaving you alone to shiver in the frigid weather.

You unleash a furious cry, your words echoing through the air, "FUCK YOU, KIM TAEHYUNG!"

Taehyung's mother arrived, finding you seated on the couch, shivering and recounting your ordeal.

"What happened to you?" she inquired, wrapping her arms around you in a hug.

"That jerk pushed me into the pool," you explained, "and he even threatened me with a knife."

His mother gasped, "You two fought with a knife?"

"No, he was the one who grabbed the knife, I didn't even do anything," you clarified.

She demanded, "Call that jerk now," instructing a maid to do so.

The maid hurried off to retrieve him, and soon Taehyung appeared. His mother wasted no time, hurling her slipper at her son's face.

Taehyung stands there, feeling indignant, and protests, "Now what, Mom?"

His mother coldly replies, "No weekly money, no favorite food for the whole month. Get out of my house and sleep on the streets! Get out!"

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