Chapter Thirty Five: Support

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Taehyung was seated on the couch as Jin entered the living room, followed closely by his mother.

"The papers are submitted, and the only thing remaining is the sign," Jin informed them. He looked around, and asked, "Where is Y/n?"

His mother responded, "She's in her room."

"Why is she always in her room?" Jin inquired.

"I spoke to her, and she's really stressed," his mother replied.

Before Jin could respond, Taehyung spoke up, his voice filled with concern. "Is she okay?"

Taehyung's question, filled with obvious concern, hung in the air.

Jin turned his gaze towards Taehyung, raising an eyebrow in mild surprise. "Why should it bother you if she is okay or not?" he questioned, a hint of irritation and possessiveness subtly lacing his words.

Taehyung's eyes remained fixed upon his mother, awaiting her answer. She nodded subtly, silently conveying that you were okay. Taehyung responded with a nervous lick of his lips.

Suddenly, Jin issued an order, his tone firm. "Call her here, mom," he instructed. His mother's expression revealed her understanding of the situation as his father entered the room.

"Let's get this done by now," Jin stated, casting a glance at Taehyung, who returned his gaze unflinchingly.

His father's gaze shifted between his sons, and Taehyung interjected, "Let her think," he insisted.

Jin shot back, "She's had enough time to think."

Their father chimed in, "It's embarrassing, you know?"

Both Jin and Taehyung turned their attention to their father, waiting for him to continue.

"There are rumors all around the company..." he began, and Jin exhaled, already anticipating the next words.

"There are rumors about Y/n and Yoongi," their father began, causing Taehyung's face to contort in shock.

"What are you talking about, Dad?" Taehyung exclaimed, disbelief evident in his voice.

"What happened in Paris?" Jin questioned, his own face showing signs of confusion.

He then asked Taehyung, "What were you occupied with when your wife was with Yoongi?"

Taehyung's eyes widened as the implications sank in.

"Who told you this?" he inquired, his voice laced with disbelief.

"It's all over the company that your wife is with Yoongi," his father revealed.

"Why would you believe rumors?" Taehyung questioned, his voice laced with incredulity.

They suddenly noticed your presence, standing by the door next to his mother, as the sound of your footsteps reached their ears.

Your eyes locked with Taehyung's gaze for a fleeting moment before they shifted to Jin as he issued a directive.

"Sign the papers," he said, as the guard placed the documents on the table in front of you, along with a pen.

Jin stood across from you, his gaze intensely fixed upon you, repeating the command, "Sign."

Despite Jin's unwavering gaze, you couldn't help but steal a glance at Taehyung, standing silently, his eyes locked on you. You gulped nervously.

"Sign, Y/n," his father's voice rang out, and you felt your knees trembling under the weight of the situation. Your heart pounded fiercely in your chest.

"Are you signing, Y/n?" his mother's gentle voice interjected.

You looked into her eyes, and with a slow shake of your head, you replied, "I won't sign."

Jin's face contorted in shock as you spoke up. "You have to sign and need to get out of here," his father scolded.

"You can't say something like that after all those ridiculous rumors about her"

His mother shot him a venomous glare, her voice dripping with anger.

"Those are just some rumours and there is no proof of whatever it was, so you can't say things like that to her," she exclaimed.

Your gaze locked onto Taehyung's, a silent communication passing between you through your intense eye contact.

"Sign the damn papers, Y/n," Jin's voice, cold and raised, demanded.

Your defiant stance held firm as you responded, "No."

Jin approached you, a menacing threat in his words. "You are going to pay for this," he hissed.

Unbowed, you retorted, "You can never do anything to me."

Jin's anger boiled over, and he shouted, "Sign the papers, Y/n, or else you will regret!"

You watched in surprise as Taehyung pushed away Jin, placing himself as a protective shield in front of you.

Jin stumbled backwards, a look of surprise on his face. You looked at Taehyung, standing firmly before you, his determination evident.

"If she doesn't want to sign, she won't," he asserted, "Don't you dare try to force her."

Taehyung's unwavering stance in front of you brought tears to your eyes.

Jin issued a warning, "Move away, Taehyung."

"No," Taehyung retorted, "She is my wife, and I won't let anyone, including you, cast unfounded blame on her."

Jin's jaw clenched in frustration as he muttered, "She was supposed to be my wife, so move aside. You are no one to her."

Taehyung's eyes narrowed, his voice firm as he issued a warning. "At this moment, you are no one to her. And if you lay a hand on her, I will forget that you are my brother."

His father's words cut through the tension, his tone cold. "If she refuses to sign, she has to get out of this house. We are not accepting her."

Taehyung locked eyes with Jin, his grip on the papers firm. He tore them into two pieces, right before Jin's face, a display of his determination.

He then ushered you out of the room, his grip on your hand tight and protective. As you left the others behind, Taehyung stopped inside your both room, looking at you intently.

"Pack your things," he instructed, his voice leaving no room for argument.

You looked at him, a question on your lips. "But where are we going?"

"We're going to the apartment," he informed you, his voice firm.

"But my parents' house..." you began, only to be interrupted by him.

"They think the same as them... That's why your mother hasn't visited you," he continued, his words hitting you like a blow.

Taehyung noticed your expression and responded, "But don't worry. Even if the whole world is against you, I will make you win because you are supposed to only lose against me."

A shiver ran down your spine as you heard his words. He even packed your things for you, a sight you found hard to believe.

When your own parents didn't believe in you, he did.

To be continued..

 𝗠𝘆 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝗸 𝗘𝗻𝗲𝗺𝘆 (𝑻𝒉𝒗 𝒇𝒇)Where stories live. Discover now