Chapter Fourty One: Fruits

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His mother quickly burst into the room, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw him on the floor with you sover him holding a knife.


He defended himself, "I helped you! You were so slow!"

You shouted back, "YOU HELPED ME?!!! After eating ALL MY STRAWBERRIES?!?"

He groaned, trying to push you off before realizing you were pregnant. You smirked at him.

Taehyung yelled to his mother, "Mom, tell her to get up!!"

His mother intervened, "y/n, sweetheart, get up. It's not good for you in your condition."

You refused, exclaiming, "No, Eomma! I'm going to stab his stupid mouth today!!"

His mother panicked, trying to diffuse the situation.

She pleaded, "Get up, y/n! We have so many strawberries. We can eat them. Come on, get up!"

You slowly stood up from him, and Taehyung also sat on the floor.

Suddenly, you let out a hiss, causing his mother to ask anxiously, "What's wrong, y/n? Are you okay?!?!"

She grabbed your shoulders, looking increasingly worried as Taehyung looked on, his expression filled with concern.

You reassured her, "Yeah, Eomma, I'm okay!"

She cast a stern look at Taehyung and warned him, "If you try to eat her strawberry again, I will not hesitate to throw you out of my house!!"

With that, she guided you out of the room, supporting your steps. Taehyung stayed behind.

You glanced at him, noticing he was still sitting there. Sighing, you held out the plate, and he took a piece of apple.

"You should thank me," you told him.

He replied, "Thank you."

As you watched him, you felt the urge to lay down, and placed the plate aside before lying down. Taehyung turned off the lamp, and you turned away, facing your back towards him.

Suddenly, you felt his hand tenderly wrapping around you, pulling you closer until your back was pressed against his chest.

You turned to look at him, You stared at him for a moment, noticing that he had closed his eyes. You followed suit and slowly drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, you groaned, sitting on a chair. His mother reassured you, "You'll be alright. Don't worry!"

Taehyung imitated you, groaning. You glared at him and pushed him aside.

His mother confronted him, "She's in pain, and you're making fun of her, huh?!"

"Then why did she eat every single fruit in the house?!" Taehyung retorted.

His mother shushed him, "Shut up! Y/n, dear. It's just normal pain. It happens in this condition."

You let out a louder hiss, pointing down at your belly, which had grown significantly as you were five months into your pregnancy.

His mother hugged you tighter, trying to reassure you. "It happens!" she repeated.

Taehyung chimed in with a smirk, "Huh! My baby's kicking you instead of me!"

Both you and his mother shot him a stern glare.

"GET OUT!!!" His mother yelled at him. Taehyung attempted to respond, but she shot him a threatening look, and he reluctantly walked away.


"Yeah, my juice!" Taehyung complained, but his mother intervened, "Shut up! She'll drink it!"

"But it was mine, Mom!" Taehyung protested, to which his mother responded, "Everything in this house is for y/n!"

Taehyung shot a glare at you, and you responded by sticking out your tongue at him.

"This is not fair!" Taehyung exclaimed.

His mother scolded him, "Eat peacefully, or I'll throw you out of here!" Taehyung begrudgingly shut up and continued eating.

"Give me back my phone!" Taehyung demanded, but you gave him your puppy eyes and pleaded, "Just one game, please."

Taehyung sighed and laid beside you in bed as you played games on his phone. Despite having the same games on your own phone, you suddenly started crying.

Taehyung sat up, looking panicked.

"What happened?!" he asked, "I'm hungry!" you replied.

Confused, Taehyung exclaimed, "What the hell?? We just had dinner!!"

You retorted, "I don't care. I'm hungry,"

You continued speaking to your belly, "Baby, look, your APPA is not bringing food for you!"

Taehyung pinched his nose in irritation, "Stop that!!"

Taehyung sighed and got out of bed, but you grabbed his wrist and exclaimed, "NOW WHAT?!?!?"

You declared, "I want to go out!"

He looked at you incredulously, "At this hour??"

You nodded, and he yanked your hand before leaving the room. You curled up on the bed, sobbing.

Taehyung returned to the room and warned, "If you don't get ready, I'll leave without you."

You quickly wiped away your fake tears and tried to stand up, but your leg suddenly slipped, and you were on the verge of falling. You closed your eyes tightly, expecting the impact.

However, nothing happened, and you opened your eyes to see Taehyung holding your waist, his own eyes wide, panting heavily. He was visibly frightened.

"Can't you walk carefully?!" he scolded as he caught his breath. You sheepishly apologized, "I'm sorry."

You held your both ears, and he sighed, but you smiled and walked into the bathroom.

After you walked out of the bathroom, Taehyung's eyes widened as he noticed you were wearing a gray hoodie over the same plack lose sweats that he was wearing.

"Why do you always copy me, huh?!" he exclaimed.

You retorted, "This is the only hoodie I have!" trying to convince him that you weren't intentionally copying him.

Taehyung didn't say anything and began walking away. You quickly followed him and he opened the car door, sitting inside.

Taehyung warned you, "Don't you dare put your legs on me!"

You deliberately placed your legs on his lap, disregarding his warning.

"Put your legs down," he insisted.

You smirked, "No! Your child is the one asking me to do it!"

Taehyung protested, "Stop lying. She hasn't been born yet!"

You continued, "Why?!?! You were the one who told me that the baby told you she is a girl, didn't you?!?!"

Taehyung groaned in frustration.

"At least remove your shoes, idiot!" he exclaimed.

Suddenly, he gently pushed your legs down

You immediately let out a loud "UGGGGHHHHH," and started sobbing. Taehyung panicked, "What's wrong??!"

Taehyung was visibly alarmed, asking, "Are you okay?!?!"

You sniffled and pointed at your belly, saying, "It's hurting here."

Taehyung anxiously mumbled to himself, "Is the baby coming now?"

You quickly chimed in, "No, my health will be okay if we can go to XXX restaurant and eat there!"

He nodded immediately and started driving, and you slyly placed your legs on his lap once more. This time, he didn't protest but remained silent.

To be continued..

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