Chapter Twenty Eight: Smoke?

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Taehyung's mother's voice echoed through the room.

"KIM TAEHYUNGG!" she scolded, as he had his head resting on the table, likely asleep during breakfast.

"Y/N!!!" she shouted, turning her attention to you, who was also nodding off at the table.

Seokjin asked sarcastically, "Are they even alive?"

Hearing this, his mother shot him a reproachful glare, and he shook his head in disbelief.

"TAEHYUNG, Y/N!" she yelled, shaking you both awake.

Taehyung grumbled sleepily, "What, mom?"

"EAT BREAKFAST!" his mother scolded him.

You both flinching at her raised voice, reluctantly munching on the meal before you.

Once finished, you left the room, heading back to sleep while Taehyung stood up, a yawn escaping his mouth as he prepared to leave for work.


Taehyung let out a loud groan, the sound becoming familiar by now. He was diligently working at his desk when an employee entered his cabin and dropped a mountain of files on his desk.

"What the hell???" Taehyung exclaimed, "Did Jin tell you to make me finish all these before I leave?"

The employee nodded frantically, quickly scurrying out of reach as Taehyung lunged at him, furious.

"If you show your face again, I'll kill you!" Taehyung threatened, his voice echoing through the room.

Taehyungs mother tiptoed around the room, approaching you on the bed sound asleep.

She called your name in a whisper, and took a seat beside you.

You hummed in response, your eyes still closed, sounding half-asleep.

His mother asked excitedly, "So, have you talked to Taehyung about the honeymoon yet?"

You hummed again, replying with your sleepy voice, "He said he wants to take me to the graveyard. If he kills me, he'll bury me there, and if I kill him, I'll bury him there too."

His mother chuckled heartily, "I expected as much. That's why I've already bought two tickets to Paris!"

She presented you with the tickets, showing them to you, even though you were burying your face in the blanket, trying to block out the light.

You finally agreed, "Okay, okay. I'm fine with it."

His mother smirked, pleased with your answer, and stood up to leave the room.


His mother stood in the lobby, chatting animatedly with the household maid. She spotted Taehyung walking in, his head drooping low, looking like a zombie.

"Son, you're home!" she exclaimed, embracing him tightly.

Taehyung glanced at the clock before turning his attention back to his mother.

"It's 12," he said, "Why are you still up?"

His mother responded with a chuckle, "My hardworking son is busy working all day, and you expect me to sleep!"

Taehyung groaned, asking her, "What do you want, mom?"

His mother grinned widely, "In two days, you and Y/N are going on a honeymoon!"

Taehyung groaned again, his irritation evident. "If one of us ends up dead, I won't be responsible at all!" he protested, his voice laced with annoyance.

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