Chapter Twelve: Backbone Broken

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Seokjin didn't find you in the first floor, so he started searching upstairs and after a few minutes, he found you.

"Yeah, y/n, I was searching for you everywhere!" Jin says, walking towards you.
"I was searching for you too!" You reply.

"Come on, let's buy your dress. We're already late!" Jin says, interlocking his fingers with yours.
You blush and nod your head in agreement.

You and Jin entered a shop and found Taehyung struggling with a shirt stuck on his head.
Seokjin sighed and left to select a dress.
You smirked, an idea popping in your mind.

"You pushed me before right!?" You muttered, tiptoeing towards him as Taehyung continued to struggle.
You laughed at him, "Who changes clothes in the middle of the shop? Ignorant! There's a changing room, idiot! Ugly!" You laughed.

Taehyung froze as he heard your voice approaching him. He gulped in nervousness as you pulled out your phone to take his photo.
"HEY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" He shouted, still struggling with the shirt stuck over his head.
You chuckled, enjoying the moment, and looked down at the photos you had captured.
"An ignorant changes clothes in the middle of the shop, don't you think that caption would be better?" You said with a smirk.
Taehyung's eyes widened as he shouted back, "GET LOST! AND DON'T SHOW ME YOUR FACE!"

As you looked behind at the shelves, you quickly pushed Taehyung, causing him to fall backwards onto one shelf. The force of the impact caused a chain reaction, and the next shelf and the next shelf fell like dominoes until all of them cascaded down.

You quickly left and rejoined Jin, pretending nothing had happened.
Taehyung stood up, visibly relieved as he exclaimed, "Finally, that shirt is out!"
Curious, Jin asked you, "What happened?" You shook your head nonchalantly, feigning innocence.
"I'm not quite sure. Maybe a man did it," you said, maintaining a facade of obliviousness.
Jin glanced at the destroyed display in the store, his expression showing skepticism. He knew you were keeping something from him.

The store manager stood in front of Taehyung, stating, "800k."
Taehyung protested, "Those clothes are fine. Just wash them and put them back on sale. Don't be dramatic."
The manager stood firm. "You have to pay for the damages," he reiterated.
Taehyung rolled his eyes and asked, "What amount?"
The manager replied, "800k."
Taehyung sighed and pulled out his black card from his pocket, the gleaming card held high in his hand.

Taehyung smirked, saying, "Pull the money out yourself."
The manager retorted, "Who do you think you are?"
Taehyung responded confidently, "The president,"
The manager sighed, stating, "You should pay in cash."
Taehyung chuckled and remarked, "Who keeps cash in this century, dumb ass?"
The manager explained, "That's our policy."
Taehyung arrogantly replied, "Change your policy,"
The manager grew irritated but handed the card to the cashier standing beside him.

As they waited for the cashier, the manager sat down on a chair, and Taehyung groaned in pain, his back still hurting from the fall.

You and Jin had finished shopping and were exiting the store when Jin suddenly paused, "Oh wait," he said.
You turned to look at him.
"Where is Taehyung?" he asked.
Before you could respond, Jin quickly rushed back into the store.

Jin searched around the store for any sign of Taehyung until he heard a voice calling out to him from the corner.
Jin turned towards the voice and approached Taehyung, who was sitting in a chair, looking unusually pale.
"What happened?" Jin asked, concern etched on his face.
"It's nothing, hyung," Taehyung responded, "Just a small wound on my back."
Jin examined Taehyung's back and replied, "It doesn't look like a regular wound."

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