Chapter 4 - The stupid deal

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Han Saemi... What are you up to? Suho walked round and round his bedroom. Curiosity covered him. He has been thinking about it since the girls said her name.
Yes. Han Saemi once a special girl to Suho... Moreover, Suho's soul. But that was the past... Though, Suho hasn't over it. He hasn't over Saemi.
Suho looked at the clock and it showed 3pm. He still has time if he wanted to investigate about Saemi.
Without thinking more (which he already did give a tons ot thought about it before) Suho grabbed his big black shades, his snapback and his coat that could cover all his body.

Later, he arrived. He saw Chorong and her other friends were already at a table at the corner of the cafe.
Chorong was all cold while other of her 5 friends laughing and joking around.
She might be a gangster or something?

Few minutes later, Han Saemi and 3 of her friends went into the cafe.
Suho sticked his eyes to those girls. He could feel his heart aches.

"Look at her" Namjoo smirked as Saemi was walking toward him.

"She changed her hair color blonde? pfft that doesn't scares us at all" Bomi laughed.

"Hey hey" Saemi waved her hand, not excitedly but, arrogantly.

"Long time no see" Chorong smirked not making eye contact with her.

"Waddup Park Chorong. How have you been? Still a little poor girl helping her old poor parents?" Saemi laughed.

Chorong stood up and faced her right into Saemi's face. "What?"

"Sorry bitch that so-called-glares of yours doesn't scare me"

"What the fuck do you want?" Chorong's breathe brushed her face.

"Pfft settle down girl. let's all take a sit and talk.... That'll be better. Right?" Saemi smiled.

Chorong rolled her eyes and sat down.
Since there were not enough seats for the 3. Saemi snapped her finger signalling her 2 followers to her a chair.

Saemi sat down with her arms folded and her chin up as she was the boss to everyone.

"What do you want?" Chorong's voice was stiff as ever.

Saemi sighed with a smile written all over her face. She leaned forward, "It's been a fucking long time we haven't play anything right? I miss you guys!" She laughed.

"Stop playing around" Bomi scoffed.

"Okay okay.. Here. Let's bet first. If I win, the 6 of you be my slaves for a year and if you win...." Saemi raised her eyebrows letting the girls to say out their bet.

"You, Han Saemi. Walk around Seoul with just your bikini and we will do your touch up? Okay?" Chorong said without even asking her mates.

"That's a good deal" Namjoo laughed and high fived her friends.

"What a childish bet" Saemi rolled her eyes.

"Wait till you lost" Hayoung stuck her tongue out.

"Whatever. I'll win anyways." Saemi smiled.

"So what's your fucking bet?" Eunji who was being silent since Saemi came spoke up.

"As usual. It's about 'boys'. But this time it's different.... and... fascinating" Saemi smirked and exchanged gazes to her friends.
"Each of us sleep with a guy and picture it. The complete team who finished first win. How's that?" Saemi smirked.

"You fucking crazy?" Bomi's eyes were rounded.

"Yes I am" Saemi laughed.

"Sorry Han Saemi but we're not a bitch like you." Chorong raised her eye browss.

That hit Saemi hard. "Nobody ever talk to me like that!"

"I'm the first one to call you a bitch infront of your face? That's cool." Chorong giggled.

"That's not funny!" Saemi raised her voice.

"Whatever. We wasted our time here girls" Eunji stood up "Let's go"

When the 6 were about to leave Saemi with one last killer gaze, Saemi bursted, "YAH!"

The 6 turned their back to face Saemi.

"Are you scared? I know each of your dark past okay? I know you are not pure as you act right now! You were all bitches years ago! C'mon girls? Are you scared of me already and pretending to be tough to escape my bet?!"

The 6 exchange glances. Yes. Han Saemi was their best buddy ofcourse Saemi knows a lot about them and they didn't want Saemi to spread out their darkest past.

"So?" Saemi asked one more time.

"Fine" Chorong rolled her eyes and walked out of the cafe.

"Han Saemi. You crazy woman." Suho who was listening to all their conversation sighed.

Later at Eunji's home.

"Are we going to be sluts now?!" Bomi yelled.

"Let's think about any other ways!!" Hayoung groaned.

"Yeah... I don't want to be like how I was... Just by thinking about it makes me shiver to spine" Namjoo hugged herself recalling her darkest memories.

"Maybe... we could overturn her deal?" Naeun said.

"Yes yes! That's how we always do" Bomi said massaging her fore head thinking about any ideas.

Seriously? How could they sleep with guys when they were only 18?
Few years ago, the often do deals like this. But it was way easier. Like, dating the coolest richest guy in school, lure the youngest teacher or even date a girl!
But after years of their separation with Han Saemi, why did she suddenly bring up their 'game' and make it even harder.

"Wait... wait.... I think I got something!" Bomi snapped her finger and the other focused on her but a big fart came out instead of an idea.

"YAH YOON BOMI!!" the others screamed covering their face while the latter laughing as hard as she can seeing her mates dying over her fart.

"Unnie!" MinKi, Eunji's little brother came in.

"Minki ah!" Bomi waved.

"Minki! Run for your life!!" Namjoo yelled.

"Eunji unnie! Your egg is burning" Minki said.

"Oh yes I just remembered!" before Eunji could stand up, Bomi ran out of the room yelling "Foooooood!".

"Minki ah! Come here for a sec" Eunji called and Minki walked toward her.

"What?" Minki asked with his straight face showing his cuteness with his chubby cheeks.

"Omo you're so cute!" Eunji suddenly pulled him to a hug and rolled over the bed hugging Minki as if he was a bear or something.

"They're so cute" Hayoung chuckled.

"Omo omo omo... I got something!!!! I HAVE AN IDEA!!!!" Namjoo yelled of victory.

"What is it?" Naeun asked.

Namjoo smirked and directed her gaze to Eunji and Minki.

Naeun thought the same thing as Namjoo and smiled widely can't wait to tell the others their brilliant idea.

End of chapter 4

thanks for all the readers saranghaeyo!!!

The next chapter is about the winner of the bet...
And look for Saemi's reaction when she finally seen Suho... especially when Chorong went into them.
How could it be?

Please keep reading! THANK YOU!

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